highrewardtrade - News 2024-01-15T11:51:27-05:00 highrewardtrade 2024-01-15T11:51:27-05:00 2024-05-20T23:39:11-04:00 Challenges faced by Lymphedema survivors and healthcare providers living in rural areas Stephanie Sorentino
Heidi Jo Sovacool, OTR, CLT, is an occupational therapist and certified Lymphedema therapist who is also a Lymphedema survivor.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in Ashland, Wisconsin, which is on the coast of Lake Superior, in the northernmost part of Wisconsin. I’m a Wisconsin State Licensed Occupational Therapist and Certified Lymphedema Therapist having completed the 135-hour certification course through Klose Training (Vodder Technique) in 2019, and I’m a Gold Certified Exercise Instructor for WholyFit. I graduated from St. Catherine University of St. Paul, MN in 1996 with a degree in Occupational Therapy.

I live in Ladysmith, Wisconsin with my husband of 22 years. We have two adult children who attend college in Minnesota. In 2016, I started Offering Hope Therapies, focusing on physical and mental wellness, and Lymphedema care. I’m also a Lymphedema survivor.

Tell us more about Offering Hope Therapies.

My inspiration for starting a private practice was a desire for greater practice autonomy and personal conviction to serve each client in the way that they needed. Because I live in a rural community, I see a variety of clients and diagnoses; I may be considered a "Jill of All Trades" as an occupational therapist (OT). Most rural providers of OT experience this. My clients range in age from babies to adults. Lymphedema is just one of the many practice areas that I really enjoy.

Share with us some of the unique challenges you and your clients face, by being in a rural area.

Ladysmith is a very small city located in the northwest part of Wisconsin. Its population is just over 3,100. The nearest large city is 1.25 hours away, and the largest metro area is three hours away. This limits clients from quickly getting the specific care or products they need whether it be for advanced medical or dental procedures or even accessing shopping centers.

For Lymphedema survivors, being able to obtain compression garments, especially custom compression garments was not possible in this area. To fill that need, I became a dealer for six major Lymphedema companies, to provide the best possible supplies for decongestion/reduction treatment (phase 1 of Lymphedema treatment) as well as for the maintenance program (phase 2 Lymphedema treatment) based on a client's preference, financial status, and treatment needs.

Iattoni: Rural patients experience limited access to physicians, let alone physicians trained in Lymphedema, as well as limited access to therapists who are properly trained in Lymphedema care. Complicating matters is the risk that well-meaning therapists (who have not been properly trained in Lymphedema care) can actually hamper the patient’s ability to recover, and the patient then believes that treatment doesn’t work and doesn’t help.

Also, rural patients are often faced with long drives to access care and are unable to obtain their necessary daily Lymphedema intervention. Often my rural clients will choose to not seek out treatment until their Lymphedema has become so severe or they have significant complications that they have no choice. Unfortunately, that is not the optimal way to manage Lymphedema and can have serious permanent ramifications for the patient.

Heidi Jo: I have a unique situation where there are many beautiful vacation destinations in my area for all four seasons. So I have partnered with many of these local destinations (hotels, vacation rentals, etc.) to give clients a reduced rate of stay while they complete their 5-day-a-week, 2-3 time-a-week Lymphedema treatments in the beautiful vacation areas of northwestern Wisconsin.

Also, one of the largest challenges that I see is the lack of insurance coverage for compression garments and accessories. This restricts the client from any success due to the inability to afford the compression garments for both phases of treatment (decongestion/reduction and maintenance). Because of this, Lymphedema patients usually are forced to forego any treatment at all, thus being at high risk of having unmanaged Lymphedema, and developing serious complications that can include cellulitis infection, sepsis, possible amputation, and possible death. However, I am very hopeful that in the future, with the Lymphedema Treatment Act taking effect in January 2024, this will provide a means for those Medicare and Medicaid recipients to get the treatment AND the garments they need.

What's the most enjoyable thing about being a small business person and operating an independent clinic?

I love the variety of ages and abilities that I treat, and most of all I appreciate the ability to serve the people in the community which I love.

In addition to being a health care provider who is certified in Lymphedema care, you’re also a Lymphedema survivor yourself. That must provide you with a unique perspective.

It does. I was first an occupational therapist. The reason why I ever became a certified Lymphedema therapist, in the first place, was because of my own diagnosis, and my quest to find answers and healthcare for myself. The healthcare provider became the patient.

Tell us about your own Lymphedema diagnosis and experience.

I had just started Offering Hope Therapies in 2016. In early 2017 I was diagnosed with multiple cysts that had filled my uterus and pelvic cavity, together, they were the size of a jar of spaghetti sauce. I had gained tremendous weight due to increased swelling from the extreme pressure the cysts placed on my lymphatic vessels in my pelvis (thus limiting the flow of lymph and causing
excess swelling). The swelling also pressed against my ureters causing me to have difficulty, and in the end, inability to urinate.

Just before Christmas 2018, I had a hysterectomy to remove the mass of cysts. After a decrease in swelling after surgery, I began swelling again. This time, it was due to the lymphatic system not functioning after being under pressure for so long. Tired of not being able to receive help or a diagnosis causing the continued swelling in my lower body, I took matters into my own hands and sought education to learn about Lymphedema and became a certified Lymphedema therapist.

Late in 2019, I was able to find a doctor who diagnosed me with Lymphedema. Because I had now been trained on how to complete my own manual lymphatic drainage and manage compression garments, I have been managing it quite well on my own. It wasn't until the summer of 2023 that I investigated and learned more about the root problems of my abdominal issues. I’m pleased to say that I’m now 40 pounds lighter, have fewer negative symptoms of Lymphedema, and feel much better overall.

How did your Lymphedema diagnosis affect you?

I felt the diagnosis was validating and a wave of relief to me. I had already been working side-by-side with Lymphedema therapists (in the field of occupational therapy) and already knew much about the treatment of Lymphedema and I had finally taken matters into my own hands to get trained.

I was ready to continue the journey to reduce its impact on my body. I still felt bloated, full, stretched-to-the-max and I was tired of getting bigger clothes to wear. This did have an emotional weight on my shoulders for several years, but I had a plan. I located a healthcare professional at a specialty hospital after getting resources from my Klose Training Certified Lymphedema Instructor, which was in November of 2019.

What challenges did you face in your quest to find appropriate healthcare providers who were knowledgeable in Lymphedema?

Regular healthcare providers are not trained to properly diagnose Lymphedema, especially in the early stages. I went to three semi-local providers and not one of them thought I had Lymphedema. They thought I just may have some "trace" edema and told me to put my feet up or get some compression socks. I was eager to learn more and satisfy my hungry heart's yearning for the cause of the problem.

I was given inaccurate information. I was told that if I just lost some weight I would no longer have any swelling. I was also told by one specialist that I didn't need compression garments, or manual lymphatic drainage massage (MLD) for Lymphedema treatment. These statements were not true! First, losing weight has been a difficult journey and it wasn't until this summer (2023) that I was capable of doing so. Second, I would not have been able to maintain my girth without garments, both circular and flat knit. Even though I have now lost weight and excessive girth from my abdomen, I still have swelling. I suspect that I always will. I will continue to maintain my Lymphedema protocols (MLD and garments) and be a positive example of one who has "been there and done that" and will not stop but continue on.

Edmondson: I can share two examples of healthcare providers providing patients with inaccurate or incorrect information. After my double mastectomies and removal of all my left axillary lymph nodes, I was told that my chances of developing Lymphedema were very low. That was incorrect - not only did I have all the left axillary lymph nodes removed, but the plan was for me to have chemo which included AC/Taxane, and also radiation. In reality, my risk of developing Lymphedema was substantially increased. I did in fact develop Lymphedema and have lived with it for 12 years.

The second example regards a woman who was a breast cancer survivor who had had a mastectomy and no radiation. Many years later, she fell and injured her thumb, on the same side as her mastectomy. She underwent surgery to repair the thumb and developed swelling at the surgical site and in her hand and wrist. Her surgeon told her it was normal post-surgical edema. However, months passed, and her swelling remained.

She contacted me, and I suggested she see a certified Lymphedema therapist for evaluation. At first, she was hesitant, because the physical therapist she was seeing told her they could take care of the swelling. But time kept passing and the swelling remained. When the woman finally saw a certified Lymphedema therapist, she was told the swelling was Lymphedema.

You knew that something was not right, and despite three different doctors telling you that you didn’t have Lymphedema, still you persevered for answers.

It was important for me to get the answers I needed. I knew my body, and I knew that something
was not right, despite what the doctors thought. So I took the full 135-hour course (the gold standard for Certified Lymphedema Therapists) to become a certified Lymphedema therapist. There are many weekend courses that promise to train therapists with the resources they need to
treat Lymphedema, but having witnessed non-successful methods on people I care about, I wanted to get trained in a method that worked and that was founded in current researched
methods of success.

Since then I have applied what I have learned not only to myself but to clients who seek my care for their Lymphedema needs. For me, following the Vodder Method (taught by Klose Training) and doing the 5-day-a-week treatment frequency has been very helpful for myself and for clients. Due to this technique working, I have not used other techniques.

Many survivors of Lymphedema comment that having Lymphedema affects their self-esteem and self-image.

Lymphedema has affected my self-esteem and my self-image. I have continually put on weight since 2017. I have relied on my faith and my family when I am feeling down about my condition. I now have renewed hope because I finally feel that with the medical care I have been provided with this summer (which is ongoing) I have been helping my body heal from the inside out. I no longer have leg pain and the reduced girth size in by abdomen and legs have improved my self-esteem and my self-image.

How do you manage your Lymphedema?

I no longer need daily MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) but use this intermittently when I begin feeling "full". I wear waist to toe compression every day - yes, even in the summer and when camping! I teach a stretching-strengthening and balance class at my outpatient occupational therapy practice multiple times per week. The active movement, the use of garments, intermittent use of MLD and continual visual body assessment (making sure my skin integrity is not compromised) are important parts of my weekly routine.

What would you like to share with people who are struggling with Lymphedema?

Don’t give up! There is hope! There are wonderful people willing to share their knowledge and their therapy expertise to help you. If you don't find the answers you are looking for, keep looking. Contact some of the organizations that teach Lymphedema work (such as Klose Training and Norton School) that teach the 135 hour certification course for a list of therapists in your area. Then contact those therapists and interview them (ask for a screening-they are typically free) and ask the therapist if they are able to do the 5 day a week, 2+ week treatment that will help you. Ensure that the therapist also has resources to get you fitted with Phase I (Decongestion, Reduction) garments as well as Phase 2 (Maintenance) garments. This is important and vital for your success!

Or, reach out to me, and I will try my best to find someone close to help you! I have a vested interest in care. You see, I have Lymphedema too. It took me quite a while to find a practitioner to diagnose this. Being both a certified Lymphedema therapist and survivor gives me a unique understanding of the ins and outs of the physical, emotional, locational, and financial challenges that go along with the disease process.

Final Thoughts from the Lymphatic Duo

Lymphedema is a misunderstood disease that affects an estimated 10 million Americans. The challenges faced by rural Lymphedema survivors and healthcare providers are compounded by their geographic location, leaving rural Lymphedema survivors feeling isolated and hopeless. But there is hope - we Lymphedema survivors might have to work harder to find answers, but each of us is worth the effort. Here are some suggested starting points:

1. Ask your primary care physician for a referral to a certified Lymphedema therapist. If they say they don’t know of any, ask them to do an internet search for you;

2. Klose Training or Norton School Klose’s website has a searchable online directory of certified Lymphedema therapists (search by zip code), and Norton School has an online request form you can fill out and they will email you a list of certified therapists in your area.

3. Heidi Jo Sovacool, OTR, CLT

4. Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN)

5. National Lymphedema Network (NLN)

6. Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLS, CES

7. Health, Education & Welfare, a Wisconsin nonprofit.

]]> 2023-11-10T09:37:22-05:00 2024-04-16T23:21:19-04:00 Lymphedema Challenges from an Infectious Disease Specialist's Perspective Stephanie Sorentino
Dr. Carlos Figueroa Castro is an infectious disease specialist and professor with Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and national medical conferences. He is board-certified in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and clinical informatics, and is a fellow of the American College of Physicians.

Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLS, CES, has specialized in treating Lymphedema patients for the past 19 years, having treated an estimated 6,000 patients. She holds a doctoral degree in physical therapy.

Jennifer Lee Edmondson, JD, is a 12-year survivor of metastatic breast cancer, and secondary Lymphedema, which developed after she underwent double mastectomies, left axillary lymph node dissection (removal of 20 lymph nodes), chemo, radiation, and final reconstruction. She’s an attorney in private practice, and founder of Health, Education & Welfare, a nonprofit whose Compression Garment Program helps patients in financial need.

What are some of the biggest challenges facing patients diagnosed with Lymphedema?

Dr. Figueroa Castro: Lymphedema is a serious, chronic condition that requires ongoing management, in order to try to prevent complications that could be life-threatening. It's crucial for patients to learn how to care for their affected areas, practice good skin care, and recognize signs of infection or worsening swelling.

Lymphedema patients face challenges such as swelling, discomfort, and the risk of infections, such as cellulitis. They may also encounter emotional and social challenges due to changes in their appearance and limitations in daily activities.

For medical professionals, treating Lymphedema can be complex. One challenge is ensuring access to specialized care, as not all healthcare providers are familiar with this condition. Another is finding the most effective treatment approach for each patient since Lymphedema can vary in severity and cause.

Iattoni: I agree. The challenges that patients face can have serious implications on their health and quality of life. As Dr. Figueroa Castro mentioned, one great challenge is finding healthcare providers who are knowledgeable regarding cellulitis and Lymphedema. Patients struggle to find physicians who are well-versed in dermatolymphangioadenitis (i.e. cellulitis) and even more difficult is finding a physician with a good understanding of Lymphedema.

Patients who have the best outcomes when diagnosed with infections are those who are diagnosed early and have the appropriate antibiotics implemented immediately. This is complicated by the fact that general skin changes (edema, mild redness, firmness, hyperkeratosis) and comorbidities (i.e. diabetes, heart disease) complicate the overall health of the individual, and can result in a compromised healing environment.

Also, patients with Lymphedema often times do not have a clear understanding of the severe nature of cellulitis. Just like with anything, you don't know what you don't know. Until someone has seen or had a severe cellulitis infection, it does not seem possible that it will impact them.

Edmondson: A big challenge for me was not fully understanding or recognizing the potential danger posed by cellulitis infections - those can lead to sepsis, which can be deadly! So when I had my first cellulitis infection, I thought it was just the flu.

Many Lymphedema patients face the challenge of getting adequate treatment for Lymphedema, and their medically necessary compression garments. Often times private health insurance provides inadequate or no coverage for treatment and compression garments, and historically, Medicare provided no coverage for compression garments. This is the reason why my nonprofit started The Compression Garment Fund Program, which helps Lymphedema patients obtain their medically necessary compression garments1.

Now with the passage of the Lymphedema Treatment Act2, which takes effect next year, it is hoped that at least for Medicare patients, there will be better coverage, but we don’t know how that will work at the time of this writing . Without an appropriate treatment plan for Lymphedema, patients risk having their Lymphedema being poorly managed or out of control, health complications that might require repeated hospitalizations.

Dr. Figueroa Castro touched on a good point - the emotional and social challenges faced by Lymphedema patients. Lymphedema survivors can feel disfigured. Finding clothes that fit right can be very difficult. For example, if a person has Lymphedema in their left leg and foot, that side is larger than their ‘normal’ unaffected leg and foot. They need pants that will have one leg that is larger than the other; and oftentimes, they have problems finding shoes that will fit. One possible resource is Pandere Shoes, which specializes in shoes for people with medical conditions like Lymphedema.

For me, my left arm is larger than my right arm and I hate it. I feel like I’m carrying around this freakish arm. It’s a constant reminder that I had metastatic breast cancer and that I will forever have Lymphedema. I feel self-conscious and worry about wearing sleeveless tops or even short sleeves. But I also remind myself that so many others truly have it worse than I do.

What is cellulitis infection?

Dr. Figueroa Castro: Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection. In Lymphedema patients, it can be serious because their impaired lymphatic system may not effectively fight the infection. Prompt treatment is crucial to prevent its spread.

Iattoni: Cellulitis can be deadly and lead to systemic septic conditions. I’ve had multiple patients hospitalized for a week and then followed by long-duration use of antibiotics due to the severity of their condition. Patients also don't grasp that having cellulitis can result in the worsening of their Lymphedema, which then becomes cyclic (i.e. worse Lymphedema, increased risk of cellulitis, another cellulitis, worsening Lymphedema).

Edmondson: Bacteria can cause cellulitis infection, and that bacteria can enter the skin through any tiny opening or cut, even ones that are so small you can’t feel or see them. That’s why it’s advised that Lymphedema survivors avoid manicures if they have Lymphedema of the upper extremities, and pedicures if they have Lymphedema in their lower extremities.

What should a person do if they have cellulitis symptoms? Is it important to seek out medical treatment immediately?

Dr. Figueroa Castro: If someone with Lymphedema develops symptoms of cellulitis (e.g., redness, warmth, swelling, fever), they should seek immediate medical attention. Prompt treatment with antibiotics is essential to prevent complications and worsening infection. Complications can include infections like cellulitis, reduced limb function, skin changes, and psychological distress. It's essential to manage Lymphedema to prevent these complications.

Edmondson: With my first cellulitis infection, when I finally called my primary care physician and reported my symptoms, I got a real shock. They told me to get to the clinic ASAP, where they would inject me with antibiotics. If that didn’t work, then I would have to be admitted to the hospital and put on IV antibiotics. It was very serious.

I’ve spoken with many Lymphedema survivors. One statement by a woman is forever burned into my mind. She said, “Every time I have a cellulitis infection and am rushed to the hospital, I think that I’m dying.”

What do you wish other healthcare professionals knew about Lymphedema?

Dr. Figueroa Castro: I wish healthcare professionals were more aware of the condition and its treatment options. Knowledge among healthcare providers can improve early diagnosis and access to appropriate care for patients.

Edmondson: From the perspective of a patient, I wish healthcare providers who do not specialize in Lymphedema care would learn more about the disease, so when they are presented with a patient who reports symptoms consistent with Lymphedema, the provider will recognize that, and make a referral either to a certified Lymphedema therapist or physician who is experienced with Lymphedema. I consider myself very fortunate, because I have a primary care physician who is knowledgeable about Lymphedema, and also recognizes when it's time to refer me to someone with more experience and knowledge.

What are the most common misconceptions about Lymphedema?

Dr. Figueroa Castro: A common misconception is that Lymphedema is solely related to cancer treatment. While it can be a side effect of cancer therapies, it can also occur due to other causes. Another misconception is that it's untreatable, when in fact, there are effective management strategies.

Edmondson: I’ve met people who were born with Lymphedema (primary Lymphedema), and also people who developed it after sustaining physical trauma to a part of their body. I’ve met many Lymphedema survivors who never had cancer. For instance, I met a man who was in a motorcycle accident and injured his leg and then developed Lymphedema in his injured leg. A number of years ago, there was a study of US Air Force trainees who developed bilateral lower extremity Lymphedema after basic training.

I think another misconception is that Lymphedema is not a serious medical condition. Just recently I read the obituary of a woman from Wausau, Wisconsin, who died after a long battle with Lymphedema.

What can Lymphedema survivors do?

Edmondson: Understand that there is hope, you can do this. Having Lymphedema is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor. We Lymphedema survivors have the power within ourselves to be our own best advocates. It’s not an easy road, but, it is very doable and all you need to do is take it one step at a time. I’ve lived with Lymphedema for 12 years, and I still have much to learn. Medical science is making advances, so the area of Lymphedema treatment is always evolving. I encourage you to keep on learning. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and if they don’t work for you, then move on to something else. So far, this is what I’ve found works best for me:

1. Find the best healthcare providers possible and ask questions, learn everything you can;
2. Maintain a healthy weight; anti-inflammatory diet, anti-inflammatory supplements;
3. Regular exercise and being physically active - find something you enjoy doing;
4. Consult with a certified Lymphedema therapist for in-person manual drainage massage and monitoring;
5. Daily use of pneumatic compression - I use the Flexitouch Plus from Tactile Medical ;
6. Take precautions to prevent cellulitis infections, including taking antibiotics before any dental work, including routine cleanings;
7. If prescribed, wear a compression garment every day; and changing to a fresh, clean one every day;
8. Consult with a physician experienced with Lymphedema;
9. Find and talk with other Lymphedema survivors;
10. Keep up to date on the latest in Lymphedema - one way is through simple online searches.

Iattoni: Small daily habits can make huge differences:

1. Wash daily/shower/bath
2. Protect skin: lotion in dry weather/prevent cracks, use bug sprays, avoid needle sticks (if unable then make sure very clean)
3. Wear clean clothing/Lymphedema garment: wearing clean clothing results in less bacteria and viruses next to skin
4. Address cuts/scraps immediately when seen
5. Manage Lymphedema: keep size of Lymphedema down, wear Lymphedema garment, use Lymphedema pump, have regular visits with Lymphedema provider
6. Stay healthy: eat an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise, maintain your weight, keep your gut micro-biome healthy

Dr. Figueroa Castro:

1. Seeking specialized care is important. Certified Lymphedema therapists can provide specific treatments, and infectious disease specialists can help manage infections effectively. Patients should seek healthcare providers experienced in treating Lymphedema. Look for certifications, experience, and a collaborative approach to care.

2. Patients should avoid injury or trauma to the affected limbs - including avoiding blood draws from the affected side; practice good hygiene, wear compression garments as prescribed, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to control weight and reduce the risk of exacerbation.

3. Patients should engage in regular, low-impact exercise, maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and manage stress. Additionally, they should adhere to their prescribed treatment plan, which may include compression therapy.

4. I recommend keeping an eye on the latest research in the field, as advancements in treatment and understanding of the condition are ongoing. Check reputable medical journals and organizations for updates and studies relevant to Lymphedema. I'll leave you with two recent studies that I think might be of interest :
a. “Axillary Treatment and Chronic Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Implications for Prospective Surveillance and Intervention From a Randomized Controlled Trial.” This study revealed that the kind of treatment patients receive in the armpit area significantly affects their risk of developing Lymphedema, along with other risk factors, like being overweight, living in rural areas, getting radiation to specific parts of the body, and certain chemotherapy drugs. These findings can help in designing better ways to screen, prevent, and treat Lymphedema in breast cancer patients.
b. “Risk Factors and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Patients With Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema”, aimed to understand the chances of women developing breast cancer-related Lymphedema after having certain lymph nodes removed. After two years, 24% of participants developed Lymphedema, with some difference based on race and ethnicity, with an increased risk in Black and Hispanic women. Lymphedema was almost three times as common in patients receiving chemotherapy before surgery when compared to those who had surgery first. Women with ERBB2+ tumors had a reduced risk.

Final Words

Dr. Figueroa Castro: I am optimistic for the future. Ongoing scientific research, advancements in treatment, and understanding of the condition are continuing. By following the simple precautions we’ve discussed, Lymphedema patients can do a great deal in terms of self-care.

Iattoni: I believe in you! I may believe more in your ability to manage your Lymphedema than you may at this time! I believe in you because I know that when addressed appropriately, Lymphedema is extremely manageable. The advances in technology both from a garment and pump perspective have made the daily management of Lymphedema more feasible. I know you can do this! Focus on one step at a time, even if your footsteps seem tiny and slow!

Edmondson: Lymphedema can make us feel like we’re all alone and no one understands; but the reality is, an estimated 10 million Americans live with Lymphedema - that’s a lot of people who are in the same boat with us! Do your best to take good care of yourself, accept your imperfections, and believe in your ability to evolve and develop resilience. We’re all works in progress!


a. Axillary Treatment and Chronic Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Implications for Prospective Surveillance and Intervention From a Randomized Controlled Trial”, (Boyages J et al. JCO Oncol Pract. 2023 Oct 10:OP2300060. doi: 10.1200/OP.23.00060. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37816208),


b. “Risk Factors and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Patients With Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema”, (Montagna G et al. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Aug 1;8(8):1195-1200. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.1628. PMID: 35679026; PMCID: PMC9185510.),

]]> 2023-08-10T15:12:54-04:00 2024-04-16T23:29:33-04:00 Managing Lymphedema for a Better Quality of Life Stephanie Sorentino More

Before we get into the variety of tools available to manage Lymphedema, let’s discuss what Lymphedema is, how and why it develops, along with its four stages.

Lymphedema is a chronic condition that's all about fluid build-up in the body. Specifically in your lymphatic system. You see, our lymphatic system is the superhero responsible for draining and filtering extra fluid in the body and it helps to fight off infection. When this system gets compromised or damaged, it can cause moderate to severe swelling that never quits. In other words, there is no cure once diagnosed.

Imagine the lymphatic system as a network of vessels, nodes, and organs—like a bustling cityscape for your body's waste products, immune cells, and proteins. Normally, the fluid flows through these vessels, eventually finding its way back into the bloodstream. But when those vessels aren't working their best or when lymph nodes are removed, that fluid can't drain properly. It's like a traffic jam in your tissues!

There are two types of lymphedema you should be aware of. Primary lymphedema is a rare, inherited condition that can show itself in the early stages of life, or surprise you later in life. Then there's secondary lymphedema, the more common troublemaker. It likes to show up when your lymphatic system takes a hit from surgery, radiation, infection, trauma, or even cancer. It can suddenly appear, or gradually get worse over time.

The classic sign of lymphedema is swelling that won't quit. Usually, swelling occurs in the arms and legs, but it can target other body parts. And this usually comes with some unpleasant sensations like heaviness, tightness, discomfort, or even pain.

Lymphedema is typically categorized into four stages based on the severity of the condition. These stages help healthcare professionals assess the progression and help them determine proper treatment.

Stages of Lymphedema

Stage 0 (Latency Stage): In this stage, there are no visible signs of swelling, but the patient may experience symptoms such as heaviness, discomfort, or aching in the affected area. The swelling may not be apparent, but changes in the tissues can be detected through specialized diagnostic techniques.

Stage 1 (Mild Stage): This stage involves mild swelling that is usually reversible with elevation and rest. The affected area may appear soft and pitting (indentation occurs when pressure is applied), and the skin texture may remain normal. Symptoms such as heaviness and discomfort may persist.

Stage 2 (Moderate Stage): At this stage, the swelling becomes more persistent and does not easily resolve with elevation or rest. The affected area may appear firmer, and the skin texture might show changes like thickening or fibrosis. The development of recurrent infections and increased risk of complications is more common in this stage.

Stage 3 (Severe Stage): This is the most advanced stage of lymphedema. The swelling becomes more pronounced and irreversible. The affected area may appear significantly enlarged, with extensive changes in the skin, such as hardening, thickening, and folds. Recurrent infections, decreased mobility, and potential complications like ulcerations and lymphangiosarcoma (rare) are associated with this stage.

Over time, if left unchecked, lymphedema can cause your skin to become fibrotic (toughen up and thicken). It can invite unwelcome infections for repeat visits. And as if that's not enough, it might even make you feel less mobile and lower your overall quality of life.

It's important to note that lymphedema is a progressive condition, and the severity can vary from person to person. Early detection and intervention are crucial to prevent the progression of lymphedema and minimize its impact on the physical and mental health of each person.

Tips for Managing Lymphedema

*As always, be sure to talk to your doctor before trying anything new *

Unfortunately, lymphedema doesn't have a cure, but you can manage the symptoms with some lifestyle adjustments and specially designed compression products. Here are some helpful tips for managing lymphedema to keep the quality life you deserve:

  1. Find an expert in Lymphedema treatment and therapy: There are trained therapists who specialize in the treatment of lymphedema (CLT: Certified Lymphedema Therapist). Many of these therapists have direct training from various sources, manufacturers, and specialists in lymphedema. A good CLT can make all the difference on your lifelong journey of managing Lymphedema. You can use these free directories to find a CLT in your area, LANA Certified Specialists and Dr. Vodder School
  2.  Purchase the correct type of compression garment: Not all compression garments are designed to treat lymphedema and not all compression garments are created equal. In fact, most off-the-shelf (stockings you can buy online) are circular-knit compression stockings that should not be worn if you have Stage 2-3 lymphedema, or if you have large creases or lobes of tissue. For difficult cases, one should consider using a product like the circaid juxtafit (leg or arm). compression wrap. The juxtafit wrap is designed specifically for lymphedema patients thanks to the inelastic properties of the material. The material used in circaid’s inelastic products act like a wall, supporting your tissue and effectively improving the body's natural method of circulating fluid. Additionally, inelastic wraps like the circaid juxtafit can be worn 24/7! Unlike elastic circular-knit stockings that can only be worn during the day. The key is to find the right product for what you're dealing with. 
  3. Wear the proper compression garment every day: Sure, this doesn’t sound appealing, but you need to remember that Lymphedema is a chronic condition that can’t be ignored. By wearing the proper compression garment, every day, you will effectively manage swelling, which will reduce your risk of other complications (i.e. skin breakdown, fibrotic tissue, open wounds, more advanced stages of lymphedema). Proper compression therapy can be the difference between having a normal life or one that is challenging and difficult to manage. It’s best to make it part of your daily routine as soon as possible.
  4. Proper Exercise: How does exercise help with lymphedema, specifically? When you move, your muscles help to squeeze your blood, and lymphatic vessels, moving fluid through the body to recirculate naturally. This is essentially the same concept of what wearing the proper compression garment will do. A garment like the circaid juxtafit pushes against the flexing muscles, further pumping the fluid out of the affected area. However, just like with compression garments, not all exercises are a good idea. In fact, depending on the severity of lymphedema, some exercises can be counterproductive. For example, walking on a treadmill if you have moderate to severe lymphedema in your legs can make things worse because your legs are feeling the full force of each step along with gravity. The swelling will likely get worse. So, what types of exercise can a lymphedema patient perform? It really depends on the patient, his or her condition, and whether a doctor has given clearance for exercise. If given clearance, the best exercise to reduce leg swelling would be swimming because the person is horizontal, in motion, and performing a non-impact movement. Standing in water is also helpful because the natural weight of water and the deeper level will put more pressure at the lowest point and reduce as you get closer to the surface. This is the same principle found in graduated compression stockings (more pressure at the lowest point that reduces as it gets higher). Another good exercise for lower extremity lymphedema would be riding a recumbent bike. It is also non-impact, provides a steady motion, and the legs are slightly elevated. The key here is to talk to your doctor and therapist about the best exercises to perform based on your specific needs.
  5. Practice helpful skincare rituals: First and foremost, you will want to keep your skin clean. Lymphedema increases your risk of infection, so make sure your skin is cleaned daily. You’ll want to ensure your skin isn’t dried out, so you should look for mild soaps that are hypoallergenic and have a low pH. Be sure to avoid products with perfumes and dyes. When you’re done cleaning your skin it’s important to dry it thoroughly to prevent bacteria from growing due to excess moisture. You also want to make sure your skin isn’t dried out and properly moisturized. Look for a moisturizer that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or additives. You will also want to avoid soaking in hot water because it will cause your vessels to expand and increase swelling. And when shaving, you should consider using an electric razor to avoid cutting yourself. Even the smallest cut can turn into an infection. Electric razors are a lot safer than a manual razor. Finally, it’s important to monitor your skin daily for any complications. If necessary, have a loved one help you review any hard-to-reach areas.
  6. Dietary adjustments: According to a recent article published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine and Hygiene (JPMH), there isn’t a specific diet that has been proven to be of high therapeutic value for patients with Lymphedema. Nevertheless, specific dietary tips could help reduce symptoms. Here are the tips found in the article: Fibers present in fruits and vegetables lead to the formation of short-chain fatty acids in the bowel, which exhibit an anti-inflammatory activity [32, 47]. Other anti-inflammatory dietary molecules, such as Omega-3, and several spices (turmeric, garlic, and curry leaves) may reduce inflammation and edema [32, 48]. On the contrary, foods such as salt, caffeine, omega 6 or 9, alcohol, and sweets exert the opposite effect [32, 49]. Thus, they should be avoided by patients with lymphedema. Finally, foods can control the physiologic hormonal response, which in turn influences inflammation and edema [32]. In summary, if you have lymphedema, you should avoid salty foods, caffeine, alcohol, omega 6 or 9, and foods with sugar or sweeteners.

Remember, early detection and swift action are the superheroes in this story. Spotting lymphedema early on and getting the right help can stop it from progressively getting worse. And because there is no cure for lymphedema, it’s important to adopt habits and lifestyle changes that can positively impact your journey on managing lymphedema. But more importantly, to understand what things in your life to avoid.

]]> 2023-01-09T10:41:43-05:00 2024-05-31T22:45:40-04:00 How One Young Woman Manages Living with Multiple Health Challenges Stephanie Sorentino Breanna Delrow, how one young woman manages living with multiple health challenges

Written by Jennifer Edmondson and Teresa Iattoni with Breanna Delrow

People who live with multiple health issues know how debilitating and unrelenting those challenges can be. Jennifer Lee Edmondson, JD, founder of Health, Education & Welfare, a Wisconsin nonprofit, and one half of the Lymphatic Duo, was 50 years old when she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. But by then, she was an adult ‘of a certain mature age’, and had experienced numerous other life challenges in the decades before her diagnosis, which she concedes still did not fully prepare her for the physical and emotional trauma that awaited her.


But what about young people who must face lifelong, multiple health challenges, but have not had the benefit of decades of life experience? Those challenges can impose extra burdens on young people, and can be more difficult and complicated than those faced by mature adults. In an article published in Psychology Today, author Toni Bernard wrote that young people facing chronic illness or multiple health challenges carry several extra burdens, especially when their conditions are not open and obvious.1 Those extra burdens include:

• Being treated as if their health issues can’t possibly be chronic.
• Being told, “You’re too young to be in pain.”
• Worrying that they’ll never find a romantic partner.
• Not being able to complete their education or professional goals.
• Sitting by and watching others their age participate in activities that are out of reach for them.
• Being stigmatized by others.
• Worrying about the future.

The good news is, there is always hope. Every new day provides us with a new opportunity for making good things happen. Here, the Lymphatic Duo - Jennifer and Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLS, CES, share Breanna’s story, and useful tips on how to manage living with multiple health challenges.

Breanna is a recipient of HEW’s Compression Garment Fund Program. highrewardtrade is the Catalyst Level supporter, an integral part of making the program possible. A licensed certified nursing assistant (CNA), Breanna is also a longtime patient of Teresa’s. The Lymphatic Duo marvel at the fortitude with which Breanna has faced her multiple health challenges.

Recently Jennifer had the chance to talk with Breanna, who was gracious in her openness and willingness to share her struggles and the insights she’s gained from them. It’s clear that this remarkable young woman is forging ahead and doing her utmost to live life to the fullest.

Tell us about the health conditions you have, which require you to wear compression garments.
I was diagnosed my sophomore year of high school with primary Lymphedema of my right leg, and in June of 2021 with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) of my right arm. The official DVT diagnosis is a form of a bleeding disorder called PAI-1, which causes the body to clot, and which has caused four clots in my arm. The clots have damaged the valves in my veins which have caused the swelling of the arm.

How have these conditions affected your every day life – physical functioning, as well as emotional functioning?
My conditions have been damaging to my physical health in a variety of ways. First, is needing to wear garments. Garments/swelling can make it difficult to do everyday things as you have to be mindful of when you have on your garments and when you are providing self-care for swelling, such as having to do self-wrapping of my leg and my arm. Self-wrapping is never easy to do by yourself, because it’s hard to get the right level of compression, especially if you have to wrap your arm. Trying to tape my arm with kinesiotape is very difficult also.
I’m on blood thinners, which make it more difficult to enjoy life as you have to be a lot more cautious. Being on blood thinners and my PAI-1 diagnosis, if I bump my leg or arm, I can end up bleeding into my joint, which puts me at a high risk for forming blood clots. If I happen to bump my head, there’s the risk of sustaining a serious head bleed.
All of these things cause emotional difficulties as you are constantly worrying about the risk of injury, swelling, preparing for it, and worrying about your medical appointments and care. These worries are always on my mind. It’s hard to switch off that switch and not be worrying about what might happen to me.

Do these health conditions prevent you from doing anything you either used to do, or would like to do? Do they limit your ability to do things?
Yes. These health conditions prevent me from doing the sports/working out that I used to do. For instance, I used to play basketball and softball in school, which I really enjoyed. I used to run for exercise, and roller blade. Now I can’t do any of these things, because of the high risk of hurting myself. A ‘minor bump’ for others is actually a serious danger to me.
My health conditions also prevent me from being outside for too long, because the heat causes swelling. And the blood thinners prevent me from doing anything considered too dangerous, because I have to be extra cautious - such as hiking, water sports, riding a bike, exercising on a treadmill, riding a scooter.

What has been the effect on your emotional well-being?
This has caused me a great deal of anxiety: constant worry about when am I going to swell up, which doctors do I need to see, how I will pay for my healthcare and treatment, will it get better, will it get worse, etc. This anxiety feels overwhelming. I have suffered from panic attacks, and I’m on medication. But even with medication I still have about three panic attacks per week. When I start feeling a panic attack coming, I use a technique my therapist taught me, the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Five things you see, four you feel, three things you hear, two things you smell, and one thing taste. It grounds you back into reality as to what’s really going on around you at the moment. This has been very effective for me, sometimes I need to repeat this technique, but it seems to be the most effective.

Have you felt stigmatized because of your medical conditions?
Yes. Because people don’t understand that I have chronic illnesses, not like a flu that I’ll get better from. I’ve experienced stigma in my personal and professional life, people not accepting that my medical conditions will never go away.

How do you deal with those effects on your emotional well-being?
To help with my anxiety I find therapy, my religious faith, and community to be the most helpful. I don’t know where I would be without these three things. Therapy helps me to break down what is happening in my life and provide helpful coping strategies to manage it. My religious faith is my comfort. And community is a constant support in a variety of ways, because I learned I cannot do it alone. My community includes my small groups through church, my close-knit friends who I can lean on and talk to. They understand my medical conditions and I feel open to talk to them. My friends have become my family. And I have co-workers who have become very good friends.

What insights have you gained through all of this?
I have learned to trust more in the Lord during the hardest struggles. I have learned more of what others with chronic illness go through, and how to make it through. And I have gained a great deal of medical knowledge as I navigate through my own medical struggles.
What would you like to tell readers or wish that they would know?
I would want people to have grace. Some days are better than others, and you just have to take it day by day. But we are normal regular people who just have a different battle than they do.

What advice do you have for people, especially young people, who are also facing health challenges?
To any young person with health issues, I would just say that these challenges are surmountable. Surround yourself with a good community because you cannot do it alone. And if it gets overwhelming, ask for help. There are people all around you that want to help and don’t know how. Tell them what you need. Be your own best advocate. You’re worth fighting for.

What compression garments have you used in the past, and are you still using any?
It’s important to remember to get properly measured and fitted for compression garments, and having a healthcare professional, like a certified Lymphedema therapist, prescribe or recommend which compression garment is right for you. If you wear a compression garment that is too tight, you can make your condition worse and run the risk of causing permanent damage. My certified Lymphedema therapist measured me, and made recommendations. I always used Jobst for my leg. And for my arm I have used Jobst, Juzo, and LympheDIVAS. I have to wear compression arm sleeves every day, because my vein valves in my arm are permanently damaged and my arm and hand will swell up. My doctors have advised that there is no cure, and no fix for my condition. I have to live with this for the rest of my life. So wearing compression arm sleeves every day is essential for me.

Tell us about your work life. You’re starting your own business, right?
After graduating high school, I went into CNA work. I did that until 2021. After that I did secretarial work. Currently I work at a coffee shop, and I’ve started my own business, Special Memories Homecare, providing individualized and personalized in-home care. My clients include people who are homebound, elderly, and people living with Dementia. My goal is to operate my business on a full-time basis in the near future.

You previously worked for a large healthcare system. Did your employer’s health insurance or their private foundation provide you with any assistance for your compression garments?
My health insurance covered my Lymphedema therapy, and I was able to have quality therapy. But most of my insurances did not cover compression garments, or they did not provide enough coverage. Though that healthcare system does have a multi-million dollar private foundation that is described as helping patients, they do not provide any assistance for compression garments. So fortunately, I found HEW’s Compression Garment Fund program.

How has HEW’s Compression Garment Fund Program helped?
The fund has helped my significantly! It has helped me get my medically necessary compression garments, and to get them right away so that my care wasn’t delayed. HEW also helped me with gaining extensive knowledge about Lymphedema through their Advances in Lymphedema Care conferences, where they brought in experts in Lymphedema, and representatives of companies that make Lymphedema products.
I think the Fund is a brilliant thing, because compression garments aren’t always covered, and they are not cheap. It always benefits patients to not have to worry about making the decision of taking money out of their budget vs. not wearing their garments. It provides comfort knowing you are taken care of.

Share with us your future hopes and dreams.
I’ve started my own business providing in-home care for people looking to age at home. Unfortunately, my health concerns removed me from my old dreams of becoming a nurse, due to the lifting restrictions. But now I have bigger dreams and I’m still able to pursue my dream of caring for people and providing excellent care, this time just in their homes. And as my own boss.
Teresa’s Tips.

Here are some simple and easy tips, from Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLS, CES, of the Lymphatic Duo, for coping with and managing multiple health challenges:

1. Be your own advocate. In our current healthcare environment, it is imperative for each patient to be their own advocate. Breanna, at a very young age, intuitively knew the importance of gaining knowledge about her condition and fearlessly asking questions of her providers. By doing this, Breanna empowered herself to becoming her best self-advocate.

2) Build your medical A-Team. A critical step in maximizing a patient's care is the formation of a great team of professionals. A team that critically analyzes the patient's needs (which means professionals who will actually listen to the patient), and provides evidence-based care in a patient-centric fashion is the ideal.

3) Tend to your emotional/spiritual health. The connection between the mind, sprit and body is very important to overall well-being. Breanna has gone through multiple medical challenges and her faith has played an important role in guiding her, and helping her to remain optimistic in the face of adversity.

4) Listen to your body’s signs, and act on them quickly. Listening to your body is imperative to addressing early symptoms of infections (such as cellulitis) or DVTs. Symptoms of infections include: redness, rash, warmth, fever, chills, pain, and wounds. DVTs: predisposing risk factor (travel, surgery, clotting disorders), pain, swelling, warmth, and discoloration.

Health, Education & Welfare was very happy to have been able to help Breanna to obtain her medically necessary compression garments. HEW was able to provide Breanna with garments almost immediately after receiving her application, through their Donated Garments Program, in which brand new, unused compression garments were donated by highrewardtrade. According to Jennifer, HEW’s founder and CEO, “We created The Compression Garment Fund Program to fill a need that was not being met. We are still the first and only program in Wisconsin helping people to obtain their medically necessary compression garments. I feel compelled to say that it’s shameful that in this day and age, there are so many healthcare systems that will not help their patients to obtain their compression garments. No one should have to go without compression garments that are medically necessary to maintain good health.”

The challenges facing young people with multiple health concerns are frequently overwhelming and disheartening. As Breanna stated, the reality is each of us has our own ‘normal’, and we must find ways to accept that reality, and find ways to not let those challenges get in our way. Finding good friends (especially those who also face similar challenges) and healthcare providers is a good start. Remember, as Breanna said, “You are not alone.”

Breanna continues to face her many challenges, on a daily basis, and acknowledges that some days will be better than others. But she works hard to keep her focus on living the best life possible. Hers is an example of what can be accomplished through one’s own efforts – seeking out accurate information about one’s conditions, seeking out and surrounding ourselves with a good support team (medical professionals and social support), and learning to listen to our own bodies when there’s something ‘not quite right’. We all recognize that what Breanna has accomplished has been the result of a great deal of effort and hard work on her part.

Breanna’s story is an excellent example of how one young person, facing multiple health challenges, is finding ways to manage those challenges, and to pursue her interests and life goals the best she can. She’s successfully doing it. And so can you!



1 Bernard, Toni, “The Extra Burdens Faced by Young People with Chronic Illness”, Psychology Today, March4, 2014,

]]> 2022-08-01T10:13:29-04:00 2024-04-16T23:27:10-04:00 Perspectives from the Lymphatic Duo - What we wish you knew Stephanie Sorentino Jennifer Edmondson and Teresa Iattoni

Written by Jennifer Edmondson and Teresa Iattoni

Chances are, unless you or a loved one has Lymphedema, you might not have ever heard of this serious and potentially life-threatening disease. Jennifer Edmondson, JD, a secondary Lymphedema survivor, and Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLT, CES, certified Lymphedema therapist, begin a new series of articles about Lymphedema, and share important information and valuable insights from the perspectives of a Lymphedema survivor, and a healthcare professional specializing in Lymphedema care.

Tell us about yourselves.

Jennifer: I’d never heard of Lymphedema before my diagnosis, which followed my surgeries and treatments for metastatic breast cancer. I feel fortunate that Teresa has been my certified Lymphedema therapist for the past 11 years.
I’m a Wisconsin attorney, small business owner with my husband John, mom to Catie, and founder and CEO of Health, Education & Welfare (HEW), a nonprofit that provides new and innovative programs and services relating to Lymphedema. HEW’s Advances in Lymphedema Care conference is Wisconsin’s first and only Lymphedema conference for survivors and healthcare professionals, providing direct access to Lymphedema experts and national manufacturers of Lymphedema products. Teresa is the conference mastermind.
In 2019, HEW established The Compression Garment Fund, which is Wisconsin’s first and only financial aid program helping Lymphedema survivors obtain their medically necessary compression garments. The Fund was started after Teresa raised awareness of the lack of coverage by private insurance, Medicare, and healthcare systems. Since 2019, HEW has provided over $6,000 in compression garments to Lymphedema survivors in need. highrewardtrade has been our Catalyst level supporter helping to make The Fund possible.

Teresa: I became a “lymphomaniac” in 2004, when I attended my first Lymphedema continuing education class. After my first experience of learning and treating individuals impacted by Lymphedema, I was hooked and have attended basic and advanced training in the Leduc Method of Lymphedema Management, national and international Lymphedema conferences, and multiple virtual educational events. I completed my transitional doctoral degree in physical therapy in 2020. I view participating in continuing education as inspiring. It has been my pleasure to work with Jennifer in planning and presenting HEW’s Advances in Lymphedema Care conferences. Currently, I work providing care for cancer survivors, patients diagnosed with orthopedic conditions and/or Lymphedema, and have a special interest in all things equestrian.

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema has been defined as an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in an individual’s tissue spaces3. It’s a potentially life-threatening disease of our bodies’ lymphatic system, which is an essential part of our immune system. There is no known cure for Lymphedema. Once you have it, you have it for the rest of your life. And left unmanaged and uncontrolled, Lymphedema can cause permanent damage to the immune system, lead to illness, pain and suffering requiring hospitalization, and possibly death.

Lymphedema affects an estimated 10 million Americans – more than the combined totals of Americans living with AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s, MS, Muscular Dystrophy, and Parkinson’s1, and nearly 250 million worldwide3a. Yet the general public is relatively unaware of the disease, and healthcare providers who do not specialize in Lymphedema tend to lack accurate information, such as how to recognize the early signs.

When our lymphatic system works the way it’s supposed to work, we barely notice what’s happening – we don’t feel it working. It just does. The lymphatic system includes: a large vascular system which travels throughout the entire body, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow2. The function of the lymphatic system consists of the following; 1) regulation of fluid balance, 2) transportation of immune cells, 3) removal of waste materials and destroyed bacteria, which are then processed by the kidneys or liver, and 4) fat cell digestion in the intestines2. In general, the lymphatic system keeps every thing in balance, fights infection, and cleans out waste materials.

Image source: National Cancer Institutes. Lymphatic System.

Why did it happen to me?

People are either born with Lymphedema (primary Lymphedema), or develop secondary Lymphedema after sustaining a traumatic injury to the body or having surgery and treatment for cancer. In fact, approximately 68% of secondary Lymphedema patients are diagnosed following treatment for cancer4. Factors that increase an individual’s risk of developing Lymphedema include:
• an elevated body mass index above 30
• removal of lymph nodes
• Taxane chemotherapy
• radiation therapy5

Of the individuals who will be diagnosed with secondary Lymphedema, 80% have developed Lymphedema during the first 3 years after cancer treatments6. Although the highest percentage of cases occurs in those first years, secondary Lymphedema risk is life-long. Breast cancer survivors who have experienced a skin infection, on the arm or breast, on the same side from which of lymph nodes were removed have been found to have an associated onset of Lymphedema7.

Jennifer: I had three of the four factors listed above. I had all left axillary lymph nodes removed; Taxane was one of the three chemo drugs I got; I had radiation therapy. My Lymphedema symptoms appeared after my reconstruction surgery.
Teresa: Over the last 24 years of being a physical therapist, it has become evident to me that addressing any symptoms early results in better overall outcomes. My patients who were able to initiate Lymphedema management in the first month after initial symptoms have been able to achieve improved size of their involved body region, minimize risk for skin infections and other complications associated with untreated Lymphedema. If you have not been able to receive treatment in that first month, don’t give up…I have had multiple patients who have not had treatment for years who have had excellent results with comprehensive Lymphedema treatment.

What are the signs I might have Lymphedema?

At the first signs of the symptoms listed below, you should contact your medical provider as soon as possible. Ideally, you should be examined by a certified Lymphedema therapist or medical professional who is trained and specializes in Lymphedema Management. The symptoms are:
• A feeling of heaviness or tightness in the limbs or other body part
• increased size in the limb or other body part
• clothing or jewelry feels tighter than usual
• aching in the swollen region
• fever
• the limb or other body part is hot to the touch, and the skin has a blotchy redness

It’s possible that these symptoms could be caused by other conditions (not Lymphedema), which is why it’s important to seek out medical care as soon as possible. Examples of other conditions that can cause swelling include: venous insufficiency/varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, blood clots, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, kidney disease, gout, and allergic reactions.

Does early detection and early treatment of Lymphedema matter?

Yes! Starting treatments early (ideally in the first weeks after first symptoms) for Lymphedema has been found to be imperative to decrease the severity of symptoms and potentially prevent permanent Lymphedema. Traditionally, Lymphedema treatments are provided by occupational and physical therapists who have received advanced training and certification to provide manual lymphatic drainage, multi-layer bandaging, fit and recommend appropriate Lymphedema garments/pumps/bandaging supplies, education in appropriate risk reduction practices, and home exercise programs.

Teresa: Early detection, intervention, and treatment are incredibly important to a patient’s quality of life. For instance, the best chance to resolve Lymphedema is addressing it during the initial stages within the first month of symptoms. I believe knowledge is power, and if at all possible, if an individual is at risk of Lymphedema, ask your provider for a referral for education and risk reduction strategies. If your medical provider is not comfortable with that plan, monitor your symptoms of heaviness, aching, fullness, tightness, or indentations from your clothing and at the first signs ask for a referral to a Lymphedema therapist.

Jennifer: Early detection and treatment has made a world of difference for me. I will always be grateful to a visiting nurse who checked on me after my double mastectomies. Well before I had any Lymphedema symptoms, the nurse told me to consult with a certified Lymphedema therapist as soon as possible, so they could measure my left arm to get a baseline measurement, to be checked for any signs of Lymphedema, and for me to learn about the symptoms. I had been told that my chances of getting Lymphedema were unlikely. We now know that was incorrect information – because I had all the left axillary lymph nodes removed, and chemo, radiation and reconstruction surgery, I actually was at high risk of developing Lymphedema.

Because I was able to consult with Teresa before I ever had any symptoms, I was able to learn about Lymphedema, and the signs to look out for. I became a regular patient of Teresa’s, who gave me important advice and care. When Lymphedema symptoms arose following my reconstruction surgery, I knew right away what was happening, and I was able to start treatment right away. I’ve been able to keep my Lymphedema under good control. It has not stopped me from doing things that I want to do.

As a result of my own personal experience, I believe that early detection and treatment would help prevent unnecessary pain and suffering, and also prevent the additional, expensive costs of medical treatment and hospitalization.
If it were up to me, every person who undergoes any type of surgery or who experiences physical trauma to the body would be referred to a certified Lymphedema therapist, for an initial examination to check for signs of Lymphedema, and also for patient education about what to look out for.

Is Lymphedema really such a big deal?

Teresa: Yes, it is a very big deal. Lymphedema is an incurable and potentially life-threatening disease. Left unmanaged and uncontrolled, Lymphedema can permanently damage the lymphatic vessels, which can lead to health complications such as cellulitis infections, pain and suffering, amputation, and sepsis; repeated hospitalizations, and possible death. Each repeated bout with cellulitis infections increases the risk of permanent damage to the immune system, making the person more vulnerable to other life-threatening illnesses.
Unmanaged Lymphedema has resulted in several of my patients having severe cellulitis infections requiring hospitalization for 5-7 days, increased size of involved extremities to be more than double the size of their non-involved limb, and extensive skin changes/fibrosis.

Jennifer: I’ve never had to be hospitalized for Lymphedema, but, there were years when I had multiple cellulitis infections, and that was very scary. I’d have a very high fever, flu-like symptoms, and my arm would swell up and be hot (from the infection), and I’d develop a rash. Each time I had a cellulitis infection, I was afraid that permanent damage would be done to my lymphatic vessels, and that I might develop sepsis. I remember a woman who had Lymphedema told me that she had been hospitalized numerous times for cellulitis infections, and each time she was wheeled into the hospital, she was afraid she was going to die there.

Can I have a normal life?

Yes! Lymphedema is a manageable condition. You can lead a fulfilling life by making modifications to keep your Lymphedema in check. It’s a ‘new normal’. Surrounding yourself with supportive family, friends, and medical providers is essential (physician, nurse practitioner, Lymphedema therapist, and holistic providers).
Teresa: At one of the most inspiring conferences I attended, I had the opportunity to listen to keynote speaker Deborah Cordner Carson tell her story of managing her Lymphedema and participating at a high level of CrossFit. Check out her story from 2012, A Lymphedema diagnosis can be disheartening and make you feel like the world is caving in on you, but keep on going, and researching ways to manage your symptoms to return to the things that your love.

Jennifer: I encourage my fellow survivors to keep hope alive. Try activities you enjoyed before your diagnosis. My surgeries and cancer treatments had left me very weak. So I signed up for the LiveStrong program at my local Y. Then I returned to ballet classes, tennis, and gardening. And walks with my daughter along the river. Don’t be afraid to try. If something doesn’t work out, that’s okay – look for something else, and keep looking until you find the activity that’s right for you. The key is to keep on moving, and moving forward.

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1. Lymphedema Education and Research Network. (2019). Ten Things Ovarian Cancer Flyer [pdf]. Retrieved from
2. Ridner, S. (2013). Pathophysiology of Lymphedema. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 29(1), 4-11.
3. Foldi, M., Foldi, E., & Kubik, S. ed. (2003) Textbook of Lymphology for Physicians and Lymphedema Therapist. Germany: Urban Fischer
3a. Schulze, H., Nacke, M., Gutenbrunner, C., Hadamitzky, C., Worldwide assessment of healthcare personnel dealing with lymphoedema.
4. Lymphedema Treatment Act. (2017). Lymphedema Not One Disease [pdf]. Retrieved from
5. Ayre, K., & Parker, C. (2019). Lymphedema after treatment of breast cancer: a comprehensive review. Journal of Unexplored Medical Data, 4:5.
6. Petrek, J. A., Senie, R. T., Peters, M., & Rosen, P. P. (2001). Lymphedema in a cohort of breast carcinoma survivors 20 years after diagnosis. Cancer, 92, 1368-1377.<1368::aid-cncr1459>;2-9.
7. McLaughlin, S., Wright, M., Morris, K., Giron, G., Sampson, M., Brockway, J. & VanZee, K. (2008). Prevalence of Lymphedema in women with breast cancer 5 years after sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary dissection: objective measurements. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26(32), 5213-5219.

]]> 2022-04-01T09:18:34-04:00 2024-04-16T23:22:45-04:00 Best Socks for Mail Carriers Ashley Pochini More

As a mail carrier, you are on your feet all day delivering hundreds of packages from house to house. With little to no rest between deliveries, you are prone to leg and foot pain, spider and varicose veins, and swollen ankles and feet. Luckily, there is a solution to help ease the pain from being on your feet all day- compression socks! Keep reading to see why you should wear them and shop our recommendations.

Why should mail carriers wear compression?

Standing for extended periods of time has a huge effect on your circulation. While you’re standing, your veins have to work harder than normal to effectively pump your blood from your legs back to your heart. So, if you’ve wondered why your legs tend to feel heavy and tired after a long day of being on your feet, it’s because the blood pumping through your legs isn’t making it back up through your body to your heart. It’s pooling in your veins and at your ankles, which is what can cause spider and varicose veins, along with feet and ankle swelling.

Graduated compression socks help combat this by pushing your blood back up throughout your legs to the rest of the body. By getting that blood pushed back up, your circulation is increased and the pressure on your veins is reduced. And what does all this mean? It means that your legs won’t feel so heavy, your ankles won’t get so swollen, and your risk of developing spider and varicose veins decreases!

What kind of compression socks should mail carriers wear?

We recommend starting out with 15-20 mmHg compression socks. If you have a medical condition like severe swelling or extremely painful varicose veins, talk with your doctor to see if a higher compression level is needed. Keep reading to see our picks!

Allegro Athletic Copper Support Socks 15-20 mmHg

pair of white knee high compression socks with tan on the bottom of the foot

For durable and moisture-wicking socks, check out these ones from Allegro! These ones are made with copper, which is naturally antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and perfect for hot days.  They’re also made with CoolMax polyster to help keep your feet dry in hot temps. They have a well-padded foot to cushion your feet, plus they’re designed for both men and women.

Rejuva Spot Knee Highs 15-20 mmHg

pair of gray knee high compression socks with lighter gray polka dots

You don’t have to sacrifice fashion for function with these Rejuva socks, they give you the best of both worlds! If you want to add your own person style and touch to your postal uniform, these are the socks for you! They’re also great for long periods of standing because they have a cushioned foot and have multi-dimensional stretch for easy application and removal.

Mediven Active 15-20 mmHg

pair of dark gray knee high socks

When you’re on your feet and walking all day every day, you need comfortable socks that will also keep your feet dry. These compression socks from Mediven are made with ClimaComfort technology to keep your calves and feet cool and dry, no matter what the conditions, and they also have a soft comfort sole for all-day comfort.  

Sigvaris All-Season Merino Wool Women's 15-20 mmHg Knee High

pair of black knee high compression socks

These Sigvaris socks are great for year-round wear, thanks to Merino wool that keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter! Merino wool is super soft and comfortable on your feet, plus it helps with absorbing any moisture. Also available in men’s!

Therafirm Core-Spun Support Socks 15-20 mmHg

pair of navy blue knee high compression socks shown on a person from two different angles

If you’re experiencing minor swelling and minor varicose vein pain, these Therafirm socks are the ones for you! They are made with super stretchy yarns for easy application and removal, plus extra thickness for maximum comfort all day long. They’re also available in four colors; the white and khaki include special CoolMax fibers to absorb moisture, while the black and navy have antimicrobial, silver-treated features. Your feet will be cool and comfortable no matter which color you choose!

Juzo Soft Knee High 15-20 mmHg w/ Silicone Band

pair of black knee high compression socks

You won’t have to worry about your socks falling down throughout the day while wearing these ones from Juzo! They’re made with a silicon top band to prevent the socks from slipping or rolling down. They are also super soft, durable, and machine washable.

Jobst Sport Sock 15-20 mmHg

pair of black knee high socks with white accent on foot

If you’re looking for a high-performing sock that is perfect for long periods of wearing, is breathable, and is moisture-wicking, look no further than these Jobst socks! Designed for both men and women, these  socks feature a padded foot for absorbing impact, microfiber technology to keep moisture out, and a comfortable top band that isn’t too restricting but keeps your socks in place all day.

CEP Women's The Run Low Cut Socks 4.0

person wearing pink ankle length compression socks

If you prefer ankle or no-show socks to knee-high socks, these CEP ones are perfect for you! These socks have compression in the arch for additional support, and they had a padded foot to help with shock absorption. Made with moisture-wicking fabric and innovative air channels, your feet are guaranteed to stay cool.

As  a mail carrier, you work so hard to make sure all our mail and packages get delivered quickly and safely, so you deserve to be comfortable during the day! Even if you aren’t a mail carrier and you spend long hours on your feet, you can benefit from this list too! 

]]> 2022-03-16T09:44:51-04:00 2024-04-17T01:12:59-04:00 Best Socks for Stinky, Sweaty Feet Ashley Pochini If you wear socks all day, your feet might get a little sweaty and smelly by the end of the day. We’ve done the research on why this happens, plus we compiled a list of the best socks for stinky, sweaty feet to keep you dry and odor-free all day long. Keep reading to learn more and see our picks!


If you wear socks all day, your feet might get a little sweaty by the end of the day. Sweat can collect in your socks and be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, and nobody wants that! Luckily, we’ve done the research on why this happens, plus we compiled a list of the best socks for stinky, sweaty feet to keep you dry and odor-free all day long. Keep reading to learn more and see our picks!

Why do you get stinky, sweaty feet?

Sometimes when you wear socks all day, regardless of activity level, your feet can get sweaty! Natural bacteria that live on your feet feeds off the sweat and then excretes waste that smells, giving you stinky feet. Bacteria thrive off the dark, damp environment inside your socks, and that’s why your feet may smell when you take your sweaty socks off after a long day. But don’t worry, this is completely normal, and we have socks to help with that!

Best Socks:

Allegro Athletic Cooper Support Socks 15-20 mmHg

white knee high compression socks

Copper is a great sock material for sweaty feet because it’s naturally anti-microbial and anti-fungal, and it is also paired with COOLMAX fabric in these socks to keep feet dry in any temperature. These Allegro Socks are the perfect fit, because they are designed for both men and women, and have a heavily padded foot! 

CEP Women's The Run Low Cut Socks 4.0

person wearing pink ankle socks

Great for athletes, these CEP socks are made with moisture-wicking fabric, innovative air channels, and ventilation zones throughout the socks to ensure dry, comfortable feet in any condition. They feature 15 mmHg compression in the arch of the foot and are treated with silver to reduce unpleasant odors and eliminate bacteria. Also available in men’s!

Sockwell Women's Ascend II Crew 15-20 mmHg

green/gray sock with bright pink and orange accents at top and toe

If you’re searching for a sock that will keep you dry all day long, check out these Sockwell socks! They’re made with Lambswool and Alpaca wool that provides thermoregulation, keeping your feet dry and free from odors and blisters. They are also made with Merino wool, which is excellent for preventing odors, and they have breather pads and flex zones. Also available in men’s!

Medi Comfort Knee High 20-30 mmHg

pair of beige knee high compression socks

For a soft and comfortable sock, try out these ones from Mediven! Their patented Climafresh system provides an anti-microbial feature, while their Clima-Comfort technology  keeps you cool with high fabric breathability. Plus, all Comfort hosiery can be machine-washed and dried.

SmartKnit Seamless Diabetic Over-The-Calf Sock

person wearing white knee high compression socks

These SmartKnit socks are the ideal socks for sweaty feet. Their high-tech COOLMAX and X-Static fibers ensure dry feet, which keeps your feet more hygienic and freer from any odor-producing bacteria.

VenActive Active Comfort Unisex Compression Socks 20-30 mmHg

person wearing black knee high compression socks

These socks from VenActive are designed just like sports socks, and also designed for both men and women. With a vented mesh panel at the top of the foot to keep you cool, plus a padded sole, you can wear them all day for any activity and stay cool.  They are also available in 15-20 mmHg compression.

Sigvaris 412 High-Tech 20-30 mmHg Knee High

person wearing neon green knee high compression socks

These knee-high socks from Sigvaris are knitted with high-tech fibers designed for thermal and odor control, as well as moisture management to ensure a dry sock. They are unisex and also come in a bunch of fun, vibrant colors!

Juzo 5760 Silver Sole Low-Cut Socks

person wearing white ankle socks with silver treated fabric on the bottom

Another great fabric treatment for fighting stinky, sweaty feet is silver!  These Juzo socks are made with X-Static silver fibers to eliminate bacteria and reduce any odors. They also provide mid-foot compression to prevent bunching of the sock and to increase circulation.

Rejuva CoolMax Knee High 20-30 mmHg

person wearing navy knee high compression socks

These Rejuva socks are just what you need to be dry, comfortable, and fashionable! The midnight color fuses tones of black, gray, and navy for a more versatile color you can wear with anything. They’re made with COOLMAX fibers to keep your feet cool and dry, and multi-dimensional stretch elasticity for easy application, easy removal, and comfort.

Say  goodbye to wet and smelly socks! With this list of our best socks for stinky, sweat feet, your feet will stay dry, comfortable, and odor-free.


]]> 2022-03-10T09:18:56-05:00 2024-04-16T23:24:22-04:00 Why Health, Education and Welfare Ashley Pochini

Join us in welcoming our guest blogger Jennifer Edmondson, who shares her story with cancer and lymphedema, her experience with highrewardtrade, and how it all lead to the creation of her non-profit organization Health, Education, and Welfare.


Hi! My name is Jennifer Edmondson, and I live in Appleton, Wisconsin. I’d like to share with you how my horrifying experience with breast cancer and Lymphedema inspired me to start a nonprofit to help others. 

Jennifer Edmondson and friend showing off their compression arm sleeves

I’d become an attorney because I like helping people. For many years, I’d wanted to start a nonprofit, but I didn’t know what its focus would be. Then, following some life-changing events, Health, Education & Welfare (HEW) was born. And we’ve made Wisconsin history.

A month before my 50th birthday, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.  A routine annual mammogram detected cancer, and biopsy and MRI confirmed the cancer had spread to all the lymph nodes under my left arm. I was convinced I was going to die.  I’d never see my daughter graduate from high school. Or enjoy retirement with my husband. Or ever walk our little fluffy rescue pup, Sammy.

I underwent double mastectomies, removal of all left axillary lymph nodes, followed by AC-T chemo, radiation, and prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy surgery. Then I developed Lymphedema in my left arm.

A forced march, not a "journey".

Like many cancer patients, my chemotherapy side effects were horrible. It felt like I was being forced to march down a never-ending, rocky dirt road, and every time I’d fall, weak from exhaustion, I’d be pulled up and forced to continue. 

During the first chemo treatment, my windpipe closed up and I couldn’t breathe. There was no alarm or call button. Luckily, a nurse who was emptying a garbage bin saw me flailing my arms. The massive doses of steroids that suppressed allergic reactions kept me wide awake for two to three consecutive nights after each chemo treatment. 

I was sleep deprived. I didn’t feel like eating. I lost my sense of taste and smell.  I had recurrent sinus infections and coughing fits with dry heaves. I had to have an Albuterol inhaler. I couldn’t walk more than a half block before becoming out of breath and fatigued. I lost all my hair. Though I had friends and family around me, I felt very much alone.

Trying to make sense of the pain and suffering – looking for signs.

In desperation, I prayed for signs to show me what was I supposed to do with this pain and suffering. To this day I’m still getting signs.

I started manual lymphatic drainage massage therapy, and wearing a compression arm-sleeve on my left arm. Lymphedema is an immune system disease. The lymphatic vessels don’t move the lymphatic fluid normally, so the fluid builds up and makes the body part swollen. The lymphatic fluid can become infected, resulting in cellulitis, which can cause permanent damage to the vessels, possibly leading to high fever, pain, hospitalizations, amputation or deadly sepsis. Lymphedema must be controlled on a daily basis.

First Sign. My certified Lymphedema therapist, Teresa Iattoni, and I discussed lots of topics during my hour-long manual lymphatic drainage massage sessions. Compression garments are an essential part of a comprehensive medical treatment plan for Lymphedema. My insurance didn’t cover mine, but I could afford them. I learned Medicare doesn’t provide any coverage. Health insurance doesn’t always provide adequate, or any coverage. Healthcare systems generally don’t provide financial assistance. Patients who can’t afford compression garments go without - putting them at greater risk of developing life-threatening complications. 

Second Sign. Teresa’s dream was creating a Lymphedema conference for both healthcare professionals and patients. None existed. Mine was starting a nonprofit, but I didn’t feel ready to do that yet.  I was on the board of a local foundation. We approached them. They agreed to handle everything - registration, volunteers, marketing, and catering. Teresa and I would secure the presenters and exhibitors. We set the date. We were on our way!

Third Sign. Three months later, the foundation advised they were dissolving, because the oncology practice that provided their staff and funding was closing down. Push had come to shove. It was time to start that nonprofit.

On April 12, 2018, Health, Education & Welfare was born. On November 17, 2018, HEW presented Wisconsin’s first and only Lymphedema conference for healthcare professionals and patients – Advances in Lymphedema Care Conference, providing direct access to nationally recognized Lymphedema experts, and manufacturers of Lymphedema products. Over 100 were in attendance. Teresa Iattoni remains our Conference Mastermind.  We are blessed with talented and committed board members, supporters, and volunteers.

highrewardtrade – Our Catalyst. 

Health, Education & Welfare is a tiny, all-volunteer nonprofit. We work with local and national media, healthcare providers, individuals, businesses, and nonprofits. One very special supporter is highrewardtrade, who has been with us from the very start. HEW created a special designation especially for highrewardtrade – our Catalyst. 

I’ve been a highrewardtrade customer since 2011. I value their excellent customer service, and affordable prices. They were incredibly supportive of HEW from the very start. highrewardtrade donated compression garments to help The Compression Garment Fund get started. They provided samples for patients, physical therapists and other healthcare professionals, and door prizes.  highrewardtrade’s unwavering encouragement provided a positive energy that has sustained HEW through challenging times. We look forward to continuing to partner with highrewardtrade.

Wisconsin’s first and only.

Since 2019, HEW has provided over $6,000.00 worth of compression garments to people in need. This is due to the enthusiastic support and encouragement we have received from highrewardtrade, and our wonderful supporters. We’re an all-volunteer nonprofit, and all proceeds go directly to making our programs and services possible. Our Advances in Lymphedema Care conferences, and Compression Garment Fund continue to be Wisconsin’s first and only. 

We welcome and enjoy working with others! Come and check us out at to learn more about our innovative programs and services, and the wonderful people we help. Follow us on Facebook @HEWWISC1. And here’s the link to our NBC television interview about our Advances in Lymphedema Care conference. 

We’d love to hear from you and get to know you!

]]> 2022-02-25T13:17:12-05:00 2024-04-16T23:20:37-04:00 Alternatives to Wearing Compression Socks and Stockings Ashley Pochini More

If you have sensitive skin, limited hand strength, or severe swelling, wearing traditional compression stockings  can be a struggle. Luckily, there is a great alternative to compression hosiery - compression wraps! Compression wraps get wrapped around the leg and secured with Velcro straps, whereas conventional compression socks need to be pulled on and up.  Wraps can be easily adjusted and are also great for those who need 24-hour compression.

Compression wraps provide you with dynamic compression, which means they only apply compression when your muscles push against them. Dynamic compression is more comfortable to wear while resting, which is why it’s the better alternative if you need to wear compression for longer time periods.

If traditional compression stockings  are hard for you to get on, or they just aren’t comfortable for you to wear, look into wearing compression wraps! Talk to your doctor or therapist first to ensure that they’re right for you, and if they are, keep reading to learn more about our recommendations.

CircAid Juxtalite Lower Leg System

person wearing beige compression wrap on one leg

This best-selling compression wrap covers the lower half of the leg, and their patented Juxta-Lock Band System allows for easy application and adjustment. They are made with a lighter and thinner material and are ideal for managing mild to moderate edema.  It provides 20-30, 30-40, and 40-50mmHg compression.

FarrowWrap 4000 Legpiece

person putting on a compression wrap

This compression wrap is the easiest to put on- only four Velcro straps! It is also designed to prevent gaps from forming between each strap, making it more effective and comfortable.

Sigvaris CompreFLEX Transition Calf Wrap

person wearing black compression wrap

This Sigvaris calf wrap is intended to treat mild to moderate lymphedema and venous insufficiencies. It is made with soft but durable fabric, and it can also be adjusted to give you between 20 and 50mmHg compression.

CircAid Juxta Lite Ankle-Foot Wrap

person wearing beige ankle compression wrap

This foot wrap is a great alternative to a compression sock because it easily wraps around the ankle and foot and comes in two sizes that can fit virtually any foot shape. It’s also made with SILVERtec lining to prevent static, odor, and bacteria build-up.

L&R USA Solaris ReadyWrap Thigh Unit RW-LE-EG

person wearing a thigh compression wrap

If you need full leg or upper leg compression, consider this thigh compression wrap. It can be paired with a calf compression wrap for full leg compression, and is constructed  with a comfortable, breathable blend of nylon polyester and polyurethane.

Juzo Knee Compression Wrap

person wearing knee compression wrap

This Velcro knee wrap from Juzo works just like short stretch bandages, but easier to put on and more comfortable. It provides higher compression while you’re up and moving, and lower compression while resting, which makes it great for 24-hour wear.

There are several great alternatives to traditional compression socks no matter what your compression needs are! If you think compression wraps are the right fit for you, talk with your doctor and browse our whole page of different wraps.


]]> 2022-02-25T08:39:32-05:00 2024-04-16T23:28:25-04:00 Get Involved for Lymphedema Awareness Month + Giveaway Stephanie Sorentino

As many of you know, March is Lymphedema Awareness Month. Each year, highrewardtrade supports the lymphedema community through advocacy, education, and giving back. 




As many of you know, March is Lymphedema Awareness Month. Each year, highrewardtrade supports the lymphedema community through advocacy, education, and giving back. This year, we are giving away a $100 highrewardtrade gift card to one lucky winner! You can find the rules and enter below.

What Is Lymphedema?

First, for those who are unfamiliar with lymphedema, here is some background information: Lymphedema is a chronic lymphatic disease that is characterized by swelling (edema), that is caused by a collection of too much lymph fluid. It is most commonly in the arms or legs but it can happen in other parts of the body as well. This swelling may cause pain and limit how well the affected area moves. This condition affects up to 10 million Americans and over 100 million people worldwide, yet is still unknown to many doctors and patients. Some people are born with lymphedema, this is called primary lymphedema. Most common is secondary lymphedema which is caused by the removal of or damage to your lymph nodes following a surgical procedure, often after a breast cancer diagnosis.

Today, there is no cure for lymphedema. However, the lymphedema community has made great strides in awareness to bring this condition to light to find a cure. Award-winning actress, Kathy Bates, developed lymphedema after undergoing a mastectomy. She is now the face of the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN), sharing her story with the world to help others.

World Lymphedema Day

World Lymphedema Day (WLD) is celebrated annually on March 6th. This patient-driven awareness day is filled with incredible support from doctors, patients, lymphedema therapists and many more. The goal is to educate our communities and make cures for lymphedema and lymphatic diseases a global priority. The first ever WLD occurred on March 6, 2016. Since then, the lymphedema community has made great strides in education and awareness.

How Do You Manage Lymphedema?

There is no cure, and without proper management, lymphedema can become a debilitating disease. Lymphedema treatment focuses on reducing the swelling and controlling the pain. Treatments to minimize swelling include: manual lymph drainage (MLD), exercises, staying hydrated, wrapping your arm or leg and the regular use of wearing compression garments. Many people with lymphedema struggle with the idea of having to wear compression stockings or arm sleeves for life, but compression companies are listening and are making options that are as comfortable and stylish as possible. Garments come in numerous colors and patterns to let your personality shine through without anyone ever knowing your wearing compression!

Well-known compression brands like JobstMediven, Sigvaris, and Juzo, all offer compression garments in a wide range of sizes and styles in both the upper and lower extremities. We have fashionistas covered too! There are tons of stylish arm sleeves and stockings out there waiting for you. If you want a fun patterned arm sleeve with a matching glove or gauntlet, LympheDivas is for you. Choose from their ever-expanding range of patterns and colors to add some pizzazz to your wardrobe. Juzo is also hip to fun colors and patterns as well. The Juzo Dream Collection offers new colors for Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter in knee highs, thigh highs, pantyhose, leggings and armsleeves. The Dream Collection is available in 15-20, 20-30, 30-40, and 40-50 mmHg in sheer, tie-dye, and opaque styles.

If you struggle to put on traditional compression garments, we have you covered as well. Compression wraps are a great alternative and are easy to put on. More and more people with lymphedema are turning to wraps for their ability to adjust compression levels and are able to accommodate swelling fluctuations. Therapists love them for their ability to fit like a custom garment at a ready-to-wear price. Sigvaris (formally BiaCare)CircAid, the Solaris Collection by L&R, and Juzo, all offer fantastic wraps for the legs and arms. 

highrewardtrade understands the difficulty in finding the right garment. Between finding the right fabric or size, it can be an overwhelming process. Give us a call at (+48) 721914198 and talk to our team of certified fitters to find the perfect garment for you. We are always happy to help you.

How Can You Get Involved In Lymphedema Awareness Month?

  • Local Events: Get involved in upcoming events. LE&RN has a ton of opportunities to get involved in your local community and online. Check out their website to find a chapter near you.
  • Online Advocacy: The lymphedema community is growing every day. Join a Facebook group or search on Twitter and Instagram to connect with fellow lymphies! People from all over the world are sharing their journeys through blogs and social media to support one another.
  • March 6th is World Lymphedema Day. Share posts online and include #WLD2022 to show your support. Many cities all over the world will be lighting up landmarks in blue in honor of World Lymphedema Day.

Enter to Win Our Giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive a $100 gift card to highrewardtrade. Here is how to enter.

  • First, leave a comment on this blog (below) about what Lymphedema Awareness Month means to you. 
  • Then confirm you left a comment.

The deadline to enter is Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 11:59am EDT. The winner will be announced on Monday, April 4. Good luck!

]]> 2022-02-16T13:05:38-05:00 2024-04-16T23:26:22-04:00 Compression socks and sleeves - what's the difference? Ashley Pochini More

Compression socks and sleeves can be worn by everybody for several different purposes. Some people use compression garments for medical purposes, such as for treating lymphedema and DVT. Others wear compression for preventative measures such as preventing spider and varicose veins, and for overall health and wellness.

But what’s the difference between wearing compression socks and sleeves? The biggest difference is in the way they look- compression sleeves are footless, while compression socks are a full sock. Generally, it’s a personal preference if you would rather wear socks or sleeves, but each is better suited for different purposes.

 Compression socks are ideal for...

  • Sitting or standing for extended periods
  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • Travel
  • Muscle recovery

Compression sleeves are ideal for...

  • Athletes
  • Shin splints
  • Intense training and workouts
  • Muscle recovery

Whether you choose socks or sleeves all comes down to your personal needs and preferences. You don’t have to be an athlete to wear compression sleeves- maybe you just want to wear some sandals with your compression garments, so you opt for the footless option. Both compression socks and sleeves will still provide graduated compression throughout your legs.

So now that you’ve narrowed down whether socks or sleeves are right for you, which ones should you get? We made that decision easier on you by compiling a list of our favorite socks and sleeves for you to choose from! Keep reading to learn about our favorite socks and sleeves.

Compression Socks:

Allegro Athletic Support Sock 15-20mmHg

person wearing knee high white compression socks

These five-star rated Allegro socks are just what you need to keep your legs energized! They are extremely soft and durable, plus they have a padded foot for comfort and Coolmax polyester to keep you dry.

Medi Comfort Knee Highs 15-20mmHg

person wearing navy knee high compression socks

Everyone deserves to have luxurious, soft, and comfortable compression socks in their collection. Made with 3D knitting technology and microfiber yarns, your legs and feet will thank you for wearing these!

REJUVA Herringbone Compression Socks 15-20mmHg

bent legs wearing herringbone patterned, navy and gray knee high socks

Compression socks don’t have to look basic and bland! REJUVA has all kinds of compression socks in fun colors and patterns, so you can look and feel good while you’re traveling or recovering. Some REJUVA brand socks are also available in 20-30mmHg.

Jobst Relief Knee Highs 15-20mmHg

person wearing black knee high compression socks

These knee-high compression socks will truly bring some relief to your legs and feet- it’s right there in the name! They have the perfect level of compression to wear for traveling and for treating swelling in your legs and ankles.

Therafirm Core-Spun Support Socks 15-20mmHg

photo of legs from behind wearing white knee high compression socks

If you’re looking for a comfortable, everyday sock that also has compression benefits, look no further than these Therafirm socks! They’re easy to put on, thick to keep you comfortable, and perfect to wear if you sit or stand for long periods of time every day. They also come in solid colors and stripes!  

Compression Sleeves:

Sigvaris 412 Athletic Performance Sleeves 20-30mmHg

side photo of person wearing hot pink compression sleeves and black tennis shoes

These Sigvaris performance sleeves are great for athletes for several reasons! They increase circulation which helps deliver oxygen to your muscles, and oxygenated muscles perform better. Increased circulation also helps remove lactic acid, so recovery won’t be as sore. The sleeves come in classic black and white, as well as three vibrant colors.   

TheraSport Athletic Performance Sleeve 20-30mmHg

picture of a singular blue compression sleeve

You can go the extra mile while wearing these TheraSport performance sleeves. They are stretchy, breathable, and sweat wicking, plus they will help keep you energized during your entire workout!

Solidea Micro Massage Compression Leg Sleeves

bent legs wearing hazelnut color compression sleeves

Check out these Solidea leg sleeves if you’re looking for improved athletic performance and recovery! These sleeves are easy to put on and remove, the top and bottom bands are non-constricting, and they are created with 3D stretch fabric technology.  

CEP Men’s The Run Compression Calf Sleeves 4.0  

CEP Men's The Run Compression Calf Sleeves 4.0

No matter what sport or activity you participate in, these CEP calf sleeves will keep you cool and comfortable! They are made with high-tech yarn and moisture management technology to quickly evaporate sweat, plus the targeted compression helps you achieve optimum performance. They also come in a few different colors so you can pick your favorite one!

CEP Women’s The Run Compression Calf Sleeves 4.0

CEP Women's The Run Compression Calf Sleeves 4.0

The CEP calf sleeves are also available in women’s sizing! They have all the same great benefits of helping you achieve optimum performance and sweat wicking, plus they come in six different, fun colors like hot pink and mint green.


Whatever your needs or preferences are, BrightLife has you covered with all the compression socks and sleeves you need!


]]> 2021-12-27T10:00:01-05:00 2024-04-16T23:20:31-04:00 Arthritis Advocate Stephanie Sorentino Join us in welcoming our guest blogger, Mariam. She shares her journey with arthritis, health, wellness and compression garments. 


Join us in welcoming our guest blogger, Mariam. She shares her journey with arthritis, health, wellness and compression garments. 



I had to face it! "I've let Rheumatoid Arthritis take over my life!" From my career, love life, and parenting. Since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I lost the will to thrive in my life. I was so focused on the daily pain that I forgot to look towards the future. I spent many days in pain with no hope of relief until I couldn't take it anymore and realized my life was wasting away. I've refocused my priorities by addressing my mental health these past couple of years. I questioned myself, what do I want to accomplish in my life? The first couple of things that came up for me were to thrive with my current health conditions and spread more awareness about this invisible disease that is only felt by us and unseen by others. It all began with addressing my mental health! I had to have the right mindset to take control of my RA and live a more wholesome life. Through extensive therapy, I discovered I have ADHD, Depression, Chronic Anxiety, and Insomnia. I am to this day seeing my therapist and taking medication to address these issues, and continuously making improvements in my life. I believe it all begins from addressing your mental health. Keeping up with my mental health has helped me improve my care for myself. True healing begins when you accept yourself for who you indeed are. I've got that I have a debilitating disease. I accepted that the daily stressors from my disease are taking a toll on my mental health and decided to move on to better parts of my life by acknowledging that these issues exist. I chose to go towards a healthier route by introducing healthy habits into my daily routine!


Maintaining your physical health can be a tough one to get right, and I probably don't have it all down. I want to begin by saying that there is no one method to address your physical health. We are all unique in our own ways. There are many components that you have to consider. I began with my diet, reducing inflammatory foods such as sugar (I have a major sweet tooth and still struggle with this one), caffeine, oily, starchy foods. Introducing more wholesome foods into my diet, such as swapping that delicious steak and cheese for a juicy cajun salad; as a bonus, I have included that recipe below. I've been obsessed with avocados lately, high in fiber, and are helping with my digestive issues. I've begun addressing my pain points instead of just putting up with the pain. For example, I have to type a lot at work and find my wrist aching almost every day. I've had a wrist fusion on my right hand and found that wearing compression gloves gave my wrists the extra support they need. I've also had a total shoulder replacement on my left shoulder and saw that wearing shoulder support and daily stretches can also be very helpful. Physical activity has been the biggest struggle for me, and I was always terrified to move, thinking it would worsen the pain. But surprisingly, moving has been a saving grace for me; I start my day with some simple stretches and get in a 30-minute walk or jog if my joints are up for it.


Did you know that there are many health benefits to wearing compression products?
Some of the many benefits are:

  • Boosting circulation
  • Reducing swelling
  • Improving lymphatic drainage
  • Preventing blood from pooling in leg veins
  • Decreasing pain and achiness
  • Reversing venous hypertension
  • Preventing venous ulcers

highrewardtrade has a wide variety of products, from compression gloves to leggings, with an easy-to-use site. I never leave the house without my compression gloves. Whether it's going to work, the gym, or dinner. It's the first thing I reach for when the throbbing pain/swelling begins in my wrists, fingers, ankles, and knees. highrewardtrade has made it very simple to help you figure out what compression levels will work best for you with an easy-to-read compression guide. I've also discovered some stunning designs they offer for us ladies, a much better alternative to wearing basic black or tan gloves, as a bonus to elevate your look. I was fascinated by this beautiful Yogi glove they offer, perfect for wearing over the holidays! I've stopped wearing henna for many years because it got covered by my gloves. This Yogi glove allows me to show off some henna designs and many other beautiful prints and designs fit for any occasion.

Sigvaris Soft Opaque knee high in navy

Another product that has been very helpful to me are compression socks. Sometimes a workout or walk can put a lot of strain on my achy legs and feet. The Sigvaris knee-high compression socks are a great option to give your feet improved blood circulation and increased oxygen delivery to muscle tissues to get the most out of your workout, with less cramping and achiness post-workout. I particularly like the Allegro Essential Unisex Cotton Socks, which are great for daily wear and are available in various colors.
Try this great and simple solution for individuals with inflammation or blood flow issues in the legs and feet like me.
If you've been putting off taking care of your health because it seems too complicated, this is your reminder that it's not impossible. Begin by taking baby steps, and don't forget to visit the experts in compression stockings and support hosiery at, where they make compression comfortable.

Added Bonus Recipe

Cajun Chicken Salad
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 30 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
Servings: 2


  • spinach
  • raddichio
  • cherry tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • avocado
  • croutons
  • balsamic vinaigrette
  • two chicken breasts

For Chicken Marinade

  • 1 Tbsp cajun seasoning
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 Tbsp lemon pepper
  • sea salt (as required)
  • extra virgin olive oil (as needed)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder

How to cook:

  • Pound the chicken breast into an even thickness using a mallet.
  • Season the chicken with salt, cayenne, cajun, lemon pepper, sea salt, olive oil, and garlic powder on both sides.
  • Heat a pan with olive oil on medium heat. Place the chicken breast smooth side down and cook for 6-8 minutes until golden brown.
  • Bring the heat to a low, flip the chicken and cook on the other side with a closed lid for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off heat and allow chicken to rest in the pan for 10 minutes before slicing. Toss greens, sliced chicken, veggies, avocado, croutons, and dressing in a bowl.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!
Mariam, Arthritis Advocate  Mariam is a passionate young adult that loves to cook a fusion of cuisines. She has been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for a little over ten years. She has an 8-year-old daughter who is a true force of energy, her purpose, pride, and joy that has pushed her to overcome all the difficulties she has faced with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She recently joined the Arthritis Foundation with a mission to spread Arthritis Awareness and give others hope to move forward with healthy resources for living with Arthritis, like highrewardtrade, the compression experts.
]]> 2021-12-03T11:16:52-05:00 2024-04-16T23:18:20-04:00 Packing the perfect carry-on Autumn Page Are you going to be traveling and don't want to go through the hassle of checking bags? Then you will want to make the most of your carry-on! Carry-on bags are guaranteed to make it to your destination, because you literally carry it on the plane, and they’re easy to carry around


woman and man traveling

Are you going to be traveling and don't want to go through the hassle of checking bags? Then you will want to make the most of your carry-on! Carry-on bags are guaranteed to make it to your destination, because you literally carry it on the plane, and they’re easy to carry around. The smaller size makes them easy to carry but can also make packing to maximize space difficult. We’ve thought long and hard about how to pack the perfect carry-on; read on for our tips and tricks.  

When packing clothes and shoes, it can be hard not to overpack. Only pack items you know you will definitely wear; not items you think you might wear. We’re all guilty of packing that one outfit we want to wear but end up sticking with the more comfortable option. If you’re going somewhere cold, wear your mid-layers and outerwear while traveling to save space. Base layers are easy to fold and pack, along with any hats or gloves you anticipate needing. Bringing only two pairs of shoes can be hard but it’s another great way of saving space. Wear your favorite walking shoes to the airport and pack a nice pair of shoes for dinners or other occasions where you can't wear tennis shoes.

When packing clothes, roll them into logs to save space and pack other garments in the small, unusual places of your carry-on. Packing cubes are another great option to use when traveling because all your packed clothing is separate from each other and there’s no uprooting your luggage trying to find that one shirt. If you’re going to have washer/dryer access during your trip, you don’t need to pack as much clothing!

Compression garments is a must to wear while traveling and to include when packing — bring extra if you’re going to need it. Compression is great for long periods of sitting or walking. Whether you are traveling by plane, train or car, if you will be sitting for a long period of time, wearing compression is beneficial. When worn during travel, compression socks can help prevent swelling and blood clots that could result in Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT. Check out our wide variety of travel socks to keep your legs healthy and comfortable for your next trip.  

Packing essentials such as vitamin C, saline nasal spray, Chapstick, your favorite pair of headphones, disposable or cloth face masks, medications, hand sanitizer and a neck pillow can help you stay comfortable during travel. Keeping these items in your carry-on makes them easy to access and ensures the safety of those items.  

Collapsible items like water bottles and backpacks are a great way to save precious carry-on space and money during your journey. Having your own water bottle that can be easily stored is a great way to stay hydrated during sightseeing without having to worry about carrying anything in your hands. Having a collapsible backpack is handy to use as a daypack or everyday bag while on a trip and can be easily folded and stowed away at the end. These will help keep your itinerary on track without having to sacrifice time and space – that way you always have a water bottle or means of carrying around important items during your trip.  

Knowing what to pack in your carry-on comes with experience (and reading this blog). To get more information about travel compression socks, read our blog Travel Comfortably: Choose the Best Compression Socks for Travel. To find more information about making traveling with lymphedema easier, our blog Traveling with Lymphedema has tips and tricks. What are you going to pack in your carry-on?  

]]> 2021-11-01T11:43:03-04:00 2024-04-16T23:27:46-04:00 2021 Holiday Gift Guide Autumn Page Are you thinking about Christmas shopping yet? Don’t know what perfect gift to give for everyone on your list - including the Lymphie in your life? We’ve carefully curated a list of best finds that will make you the favorite at every holiday — and you might even find something for yourself.


Are you thinking about Christmas shopping yet? Don’t know what perfect gift to get for everyone on your list? We’ve carefully curated a list of best finds that will make you the favorite at every holiday — and you might even find something for yourself. We know the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping can be overwhelming, which is why we’ve chosen online retailers for this gift guide. Now it’s time to believe in your inner elf, and trust us to be your gift-giving advisors.

Pick a category below or start scrolling to see what we have selected:

Travel Gifts Stocking Stuffers
Gifts For a Workaholic Gifts For the Home Chef
Gifts For the Homebody
Stocking Stuffers


star wars chopsticks

Star Wars Light-up Chopsticks

If you’re shopping for Star Wars fans, then here’s the perfect stocking stuffer! Who wouldn’t want to use some light-up lightsaber chopsticks while eating?

Shop here 

grill scraper

Grill Scraper

This 5-in-1 grill scraper is a great stocking stuffer for the cook you know. With a bottle opener, griddle scraper and three sets of different notches specifically for round grates, V-shaped grates, and park or campground grates, this can do it all. On top of that, it’s dishwasher safe and easy to clean.

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cocktail mixes

3D Cocktail Mixes

Looking for a way to make cocktails without having to find all the ingredients? Uncommon Goods has just the thing — flavor bombs. It comes in three flavor options: cucumber and lime, pina colada and moscow mule. These bombs can be added to specific on hand alcohol or added to sparkling water.

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bring wine socks

Bring Me Some Wine Socks

Looking for a funny, inexpensive gift to throw in a wine-lover's stocking? This pair of socks are just the thing.

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meat shredders

Bear Paws Meat Shredders

Shredding meat can be hard on your hands and overall time consuming. With the Bear Paws Shredder Claws, shredding just got a whole lot easier and quicker. Heat resistant and dishwasher safe, barbeques (and holidays) just got less stressful for the cook! 
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working hands

O'Keeffe's Working Hands

This stocking stuffer is for the person in your life who is doing hard labor or working in a field that requires consistent sanitation (like medical fields). It’s inexpensive and works wonders for cracked skin and skin conditions such as eczema.

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gift card

highrewardtrade Gift Card

 A highrewardtrade gift card is a great option for the hard to shop for Lymphie on your list. highrewardtrade offers great compression options for men and women with Lymphedema including arm sleeves, gloves and gauntlets, compression wraps, liners and more 

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Travel Gifts

heated travel pillow
Heated Neck Pillow

Traveling via plane or car can be rough on the body, but this heated travel pillow can make it easier. With adjustable heating settings, memory foam, washable fabric and charging capabilities via USB, this is the perfect gift for the traveler in your life.

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luggage scale

Luggage Scale

The most stressful part of flying is trying to feel if your bag weighs over the acceptable limit (because I’m usually over that limit). This luggage scale is the perfect thing if you know someone who overpacks! It’s portable too, so no more paying extra because your bag exceeds the weight limit.

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door alarm

Door Stop Alarm

Extra precautions can never hurt when traveling, especially when it comes to safety. This door stop alarm is the perfect thing to carry with you when traveling. It prevents the door from opening and is small enough to fit in your carry-on. When triggered, this will emit a strong 120-decible alarm and features an anti-skid base, so it can’t be easily moved by an intruder.

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 Handheld Steamer

This mini steamer is perfect for those who travel for work. It's small enough to put in a suitcase or carry-on and plugs into any wall socket. It can vertically and horizontally iron, comes with a travel bag and quickly heats without spitting.

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 toothbrush sanitizer

Pursonic Portable UV Toothbrush Sanitizer

Traveling can make some products, such as toothbrushes, seem unsanitary. If you know a traveler who is a germaphobe or is worried about making sure things are sanitized, especially during the times of COVID-19, then we've got just the gift. Pursonic S1 Portable UV Toothbrush Sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs/bacteria on the toothbrush. When the toothbrush is inserted into the case, it automatically gets to work then shuts off after five minutes.

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Expandable Shoes

Pandere shoes are great for the Lymphie in your life who struggles to find shoes that fit just right. They’re adjustable from the top and back, include an expandable toe-box, mid-foot and ankle, and there are options for heel and arch support. They are stylish and feature durable fabrics, which makes them a great shoe for travel. 

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Home Chef Gifts
 rub away bar
 Rub Away Bar
This rub away bar is the perfect gift for chefs who frequently include onions, fish or garlic into recipes. The molecules within the bar bind with the molecules on your hands, transferring smell with it. Best part is that it doesn’t need water to work and it is dishwasher safe!

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cutting board care kit
CLARK'S Cutting Board Kit

Cutting boards tend to get pretty beaten up throughout the years without proper care. This cutting board care kit is just the thing that any chef should have to care for their beloved board. It makes the cutting boards last longer by preventing cracking and dryness within.  

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chef mug

Chef Mug

This funny mug is a great gift for the chef in your life. It's Microwave and dishwasher safe, whether they are self-taught or went to culinary school, it’ll become their new favorite mug. 

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bluetooth thermometer

GrillEye Bluetooth Grilling Thermometer

This Bluetooth thermometer does it all! Using the app on your phone, it tells you the current temperature of the meat, the target temperature, with six probe ports, and when the meat reaches the desired temperature, it will send you a mobile notification. This has a reliable connection up to 300 feet away, so if you’re brave enough, you could walk away and prepare the sides to the dish.  

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pizza oven combo

Portable Pizza Oven + Pizza Peeler

Pizza making is always a fun experience for kids and families, so why not take a portable pizza oven on the go? Going camping and the kids want pizza? No problem, your portable pizza oven to the rescue. This oven takes propane, wood pellets or charcoal, depending on what taste you want your pizza to be! It can also be used to cook other things such as vegetables and steaks.  

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 food sealer

FoodSaver Handheld Vacuum 

Bought extra steaks but don’t want to waste them? No problem, this handheld vacuum sealer is going to seal the bag and keep your meat fresh until you’re ready for it! With its small and compact design, it’ll take up minimal space and is inexpensive for those who are new to this practice.

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Gifts For a Workaholic


stress balls

Swede Stress Balls

A workaholic's stress levels are through the roof, so help your friend out and get them these stress balls for their day. They come in different colors and sizes with different levels of firmness. It’s a great way to healthily manage stress.

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foot hammock

Portable Foot Hammock

A foot hammock is a great way to help improve posture and relax in your chair. If you know someone who’s always at their desk, why not make it a little more comfortable for them by gifting them this little piece of heaven?  

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funny shirt
Work, Home, Sleep Shirt

If you manage to see your friend or family member on the holidays, then maybe lighten their mood with this funny workaholic shirt.  

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 Udemy classes

Udemy Classes

If you know your friend is going to have some well-deserved free time, gift them a course from a great learning source! Udemy offers more than 180,000 courses and a wide range of topics like business, photography and music. You can choose how long the video courses are and go at your own pace. It’s all online and a great gift for those who are workaholics or don’t have the time to go in person to a class.  

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Electric Space Heater

If your friend is always complaining about how cold the office is, then fret no more — the perfect gift for them is here! A small, but powerful, space heater is just what they need for the long hours in the office. Warning: they might not leave the office once they open this holiday gift.  

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Gifts for the Homebody

foot warmer

Warming Foot Massager

A warm foot massager is the epitome of relaxation, and a great gift for the homebody in your life. The Sharper Image Warming Foot Massager features two levels of vibrating massage and only takes 10 minutes to fully heat up. It plugs into a wall outlet — making it portable and easy to use.  

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 sandwich maker

Breakfast Sandwich Maker

After a long day or during the work day, cooking is the last thing anyone wants to do. This sandwich maker is a fast and easy way to make a meal during any part of the day. Great for homebodies who don’t have time to cook or don’t want to leave the house! 

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 heated blanket

Bedsure Heated Blanket

Bedsure has great heated blankets, with many color options and auto-turn-off. It's great to sleep with and has five different heat settings — all while being washer/dryer safe! It plugs into a wall outlet too — great for travel during colder months.  

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face masks

Face Mask Sheets

Face masks are great for relaxing and TLC. With 16 different face mask options, there’s one for whatever your skin needs — with anti-aging and hydration properties.  

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go away door mat

Go Away Door Mat

This doormat perfectly describes the homebody that lives there — antisocial and all. I bought this for the homebody in my life and he loved it.  

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portable fire pit

Portable Outdoor Firepit

A portable outdoor firepit is a great gift for everyone, especially those who like to stay home and by themselves! Surprisingly durable and inexpensive, these firepits are great for outdoor camping and hiking trips too.  

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Drop the Skirt How My Disability Became My Superpower

Amy Rivera is an inspiration for anyone with or without lymphedema. She has fought against being dismissed by doctors and the shame that the world has tried to put on her. Her memoir highlights the journey of self-confidence and empowerment, while also raising awareness for lymphedema.

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The holidays are stressful enough with the cooking, planning and shopping. You can always count on friends at highrewardtrade to make your Christmas shopping easier with our annual gift guide. Now that your Christmas shopping is done, go enjoy the holiday cheer.   

]]> 2021-10-18T11:58:55-04:00 2024-04-17T01:13:57-04:00 Staying active during colder months Autumn Page More

As colder weather approaches, it becomes time to make changes to your fitness routine — especially for those who have gotten used to exercising outdoors or are weary due to snow and ice. Whether the colder climate keeps you indoors or it would be unsafe to exercise outdoors, have you considered what options you have for exercise and how to stay safe and warm? If not, this blog is here to give you options and recommendations of diverse ways to stay active. As winter approaches, new routines must be created to stay active and maintain good mental and physical health. Saying active during the colder months is essential to reducing the risk of falling, due to the increased balance gained from exercise. Continuing to stay active keeps the heart strong and can decrease the chances of being diagnosed with conditions such as cardiovascular disease.

It is recommended that individuals 60 years old and up get around 150 minutes (2 and a half hours) of moderate-intensity and muscle training exercise a week.

Gauge what intensity is right for you by how you feel — moderate activity can feel somewhat hard. Here are clues that your exercise intensity is at a moderate level: your breathing quickens (but you are not out of breath), you develop a light sweat after about 10 minutes of activity, you can carry on a conversation — but you cannot sing.

Vigorous exercise intensity can feel challenging. Here are clues that your exercise intensity is at a vigorous level: your breathing is deep and rapid, you develop a sweat after only a few minutes of activity and you cannot say more than a few words without pausing for breath.

Both moderate-intensity and muscle training are important, but an essential step before this is stretching. This improves mobility, balance and warms up the body -- offers a great exercise plan that includes stretching.

Stretching can be done everywhere and should be a daily routine for ages 60 and up. There are targeted stretches for each major part of the body: neck extension and flexion (the up and down movement of the neck) shoulder and arm overhead stretch, seated toe top, upper back stretch and seated hamstring stretch. The full list with instructions can be found on

Good exercises include swimming and water aerobics, chair and restorative yoga, walking, resistance band workouts, stretching and wall push-ups. These are easier on the body and will not cause major strain on the body, joints and muscles.

If you prefer outside workouts, make sure you dress in warm layers and consider a compression sock with Merino wool. Merino wool provides natural thermoregulation and moisture management, making them great for all day, everyday wear. This fabric is naturally durable, antibacterial, and blister-proof. Sigvaris offers different varieties of Merino wool socks and all Sockwell products are made with this wool.

If you prefer group workouts, then community centers are the place for you. They often offer all the recommended classes for older age groups and can help modify moves when needed.

At home workouts are a great alternative, especially during days of inclement weather. Using household items like cans of soup or water jugs can be great options for muscle training. Household items like PVC pipes and wood can be used to create DIY weights. Moderate-intensity exercising can include walking around the house or on a treadmill, if accessible, and dancing. YouTube also offers good on-demand at-home workouts, including yoga. has great how-to's for making at-home weights and YouTube creator Rom DGs’ video shows how to make several types of weights from everyday household objects.

Older age groups should avoid exercises like abdomen crunches, squats (chair squats are ok), deadlifting, high intensity interval training (HIIT), long distance running, overhead and bench presses, toe touches, power cleaning and stair/rock climbing. These activities could result in bodily injury because of the strain on your body.

Household cleaning tasks can burn calories too and can count as exercise. Some gentle cleaning tasks are dusting, sorting clothing and silverware to polish. Power cleaning and other extreme methods are too aggressive on the body.

If you are just starting to exercise or do not know where to begin with weights, More Life Health offers helpful YouTube videos that go step by step through the exercises. Each workout can be modified to cater to your needs and mobility.

When the colder weather creeps in, it can be hard to find exercises to stay active without having to take necessary precautions. At home and indoor workouts are great options that provide several types and are easily modified. Which activity are you going to try this winter?

]]> 2021-10-04T14:39:47-04:00 2024-04-16T23:17:37-04:00 Fall Bucket List Essentials Autumn Page More

The fall season is rapidly approaching, bringing festivities for all ages, cooler weather colorful, changing leaves, crisp air and autumn decorations. Every year, there are certain things that we want to accomplish – a bucket list. While each person’s bucket list might look slightly different compared to others, there are specific staples you can find in every person’s bucket list.

Go to a cider mill

Whether you’re going with grandkids, your significant other or by yourself, going to a cider mill during the fall time is a must. They offer fun events for kids, during the fall and Halloween, and various U-pick options for produce and other goods.

Take inventory of your compression garments

Man and woman wearing compression socks while sitting outside with a child

Start off the season right by checking how long have you’ve had your compression garments. If it has been six months or more, you should order replacements. Also check if there are any holes, runs or tears in your garments. Consider the cooler temperatures and if warmer or closed-toe garments would be beneficial.

Visit a pumpkin patch

Going to a pumpkin patch and picking out the perfect pumpkin for the porch is a great bonding experience for any age. It exposes kids to sensory learning and critical thinking skills, while also making fun family memories. The carved pumpkins can be displayed with any colorful and interesting gourds for your porch or fall decorating. Keep the pumpkin seeds during the carving process and roast them with this recipe! Eating pumpkin seeds have many benefits: high in fiber and protein, reduced risk of getting some cancers, including breast, lung, prostate and colon, and improving of heart and bladder health.

Watching football games

Football is one of the anticipated fall sports that brings together groups of people. Whether you’re watching a local high school game or having an NFL watch party with your friends and family, it’s exciting and a thrill for all ages. Dressing warm for the chill of the fall wind makes watching outdoor games enjoyable and comfortable.

Change smoke detector and carbon monoxide batteries

While changing your clock back an hour, due to Daylight Saving Time, also change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. The batteries should be changed 1-2 times a year, when the clock loses and gains an hour. These devices are your early warning to get out of your house safely during an emergency.

Winterize outdoor furniture

Whether you are an avid grill master or consistently keep up with your lawn in the summer, the fall weather signals a beginning to stowing the furniture away. To keep your furniture lasting long and through the winter, put it in a cool, dry place – like in a shed or under a tarp. For lawnmowers, upkeep the type of material, meaning store it indoors in an environment best for material it's made of - usually steel, aluminum alloy or plastic-, drain the oil, remove and sharpen the blades, disconnect the spark plug and clean the mowing deck, and remove the necessary parts of the lawn mower.

As the fall season comes in full swing, it’s time to start checking activities off your fall bucket list. Whether it be from your list or ours, it’s always a great time to begin the seasonal festivities and preparation for winter. What items are on your list? Let us know!

]]> 2021-07-27T11:47:25-04:00 2024-04-16T23:21:41-04:00 The Petite Socks For You Jamie Murphy Compression socks are one of the few socks that require measurements to get the correct size. Everyone’s body is different which means that it is important to measure the circumference and length of your leg to get accurate compression and the perfect fit. In previous blogs, we discussed plus sizing in compression socks and gave a list of the fan favorite plus size compression socks, stockings, and leggings. That leads us here to talking about petite compression garments. Read on to find some of the best selling petite compression socks.


The Petite Socks For You

Compression socks are one of the few socks that require measurements to get the correct size. Everyone’s body is different which means that it is important to measure the circumference and length of your leg to get accurate compression and the perfect fit. In previous blogs, we discussed plus sizing in compression socks and gave a list of the fan favorite plus size compression socks, stockings, and leggings. That leads us here to talking about petite compression garments.

You will need a petite size if your lower leg measures less than 16 inches from the bend of your knee to the floor. It is important to remember that different brands have different sizing. Correlate your measurements to the size chart of the brand and product you are looking at before ordering. When measuring for your compression garments, be sure to measure first thing in the morning before any swelling has the chance to occur. 

Remember that many compression socks are unisex, so you may see a photo of the opposite gender when shopping online. View a complete list on men's petite and women's petite. Ready to look at some of the best-selling petite size compression socks? Keep reading to learn more about our petite garments. 

Juzo Soft Knee High

Juzo Soft Knee High

Do you want a super soft compression sock? This knee high is made from extremely soft and elastic fibers. Juzo FiberSoft technology wraps every elastic fiber with soft protective threads, which leads to greater ease of application, increased durability, and the ultimate softness and comfort. This knee high has a silicone top-band that keeps the sock from slipping and rolling throughout the day. Choose from 6 colors, 5 sizes, 3 lengths, and 2 compression levels. Thigh high options are available in the FiberSoft!

Therafirm Core-Spun Short Support Socks

Therafirm Core-Spun Short Support Socks

Looking for a casual and comfortable petite compression sock? Don't stress, we got you! Therafirm Core-Spun Short Support Socks are designed for those who are petite. Core-Spun socks feel like a soft, comfortable, everyday sock, but have the added benefits of compression. Enjoy these benefits when you’re lounging, running errands, or traveling. Shop from 5 sizes, 4 colors, and 4 compression levels.

Sigvaris 412 High Tech Knee High

Sigvaris 412 High Tech Knee High

Want to add some pizzazz to your sock drawer? This is the perfect pair to do so! Sigvaris 412 High Tech Knee Highs are made with high tech fibers for thermal control, odor control, and moisture management. With an Achilles tendon protector, vibrations will be reduced on vulnerable ligaments. There are also toe protector fabrics incorporated to protect your toes from blisters! Choose from 8 bright colors and 12 sizes.

DuoMed Advantage Compression Pantyhose

DuoMed Advantage Compression Pantyhose

Looking for a petite size pantyhose that is comfortable? DuoMed Advantage Compression Pantyhose provide opaque coverage and support to treat symptoms of swelling, vein disease, and help to fight blood clots. With the soft, luxurious feel, DuoMed will keep you feeling comfortable and rejuvenated all day long! Shop from 3 colors, 10 sizes, 2 compression levels, and open or closed toe.

Jobst Relief Petite Thigh Highs

Jobst Relief Petite Thigh Highs

Do you feel more comfortable in thigh high compression socks? Jobst Relief Petite Thigh High socks are made for both men and women from smooth, breathable fabric. A silicone top band keeps the thigh highs comfortably in place all day. Choose from 2 colors, 4 sizes, 3 compression levels, and closed toe or open toe.

CircAid Juxta Fit Essentials Standard Lower Legging

CircAid Juxta Fit Essentials Standard Lower Legging

In need of a petite compression wrap? CircAid offers two length options! This leg wrap is designed for lymphedema treatment. The Juxta-Lock Band System allows for easy application and adjustment to assure the proper compression. This garment has a SILVERtec lining that is anti-bacterial and anti-odor. Choose from 2 lengths and 8 sizes.

Feel confident and comfortable in compression garments by measuring to find your correct size. You can visit the petite section for men and women on our website. Interested in reading about our plus size garments? Check out "A Stocking for Every Body" blog. If you need help with sizing, please take a look at the size chart for the product you are looking at. You can also go to our size finder to get a list of the garments that will fit you according to your measurements. Lastly, do not hesitate to call our customer service experts. They are always here to help you with the common goal in mind of feeling good and looking good.

]]> 2021-07-19T13:23:10-04:00 2024-04-16T23:27:32-04:00 How to handle leg swelling when the weather gets hot Marketing Team The summer months bring lots of sun and heat. However, the with the warmer weather it can also bring swollen ankles and feet known as heat edema. As our bodies try and keep cool, our blood vessels constrict, making it much harder for blood to travel back to our hearts. The excess fluids can build up in our lower extremities and seep into the surrounding tissues, causing the swelling in your ankles and feet. So, what can we do to help ease the swelling in the hotter weather? Below are some helpful tips and tricks to ease the swelling.

Who is at risk for heat edema?
Anyone can have a bout of heat edema. However, there are some people who are more at risk for this condition. People who are not used to warmer climates have a higher risk of developing heat edema, due to the fact that their bodies have not properly acclimated to the warm temperatures. People who are overweight as well as the elderly are also more likely to develop heat edema, as there is a tendency to retain more water in these groups. Also, people with lymphedema are also at risk of edema, because their legs can get swollen at any given time regardless of the temperature outside. However, it is important to know that young, healthy people can develop this condition as well. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the warning signs and symptoms.

Symptoms of heat edema.
If you are not sure if you suffer from heat edema, then be on the lookout for the following symptoms. The most common is swelling in the legs and/or feet. You may experience puffiness or swelling directly under the skin, particularly on the legs or your arms. Next, if your skin is stretchy or shiny. Another symptom is if a dimple remains in the skin after pushing on it for several seconds. The final symptom is an increase in abdominal size.

So, now that you know about heat edema, it’s time to discuss how you or someone you know can handle your/their heat edema:

Put your feet up!
Literally, elevate your feet when they start to swell. Gravity works against us when it comes to swelling, so be sure to elevate your feet higher than your heart as often as you can, especially when the temperatures start climbing.


Get up and move periodically.
Staying stationary for too long can cause us to retain water. Moderate regular exercise like walking or swimming helps keep your blood circulating. Try and do your walking or swimming at the coolest part of the day, so early morning or evening.

Stay out of the heat as much as you can.
If you are prone to heat edema, avoiding the heat as much as possible is sensible.
Some ways to do this include:
Sit in shady places.
Periodically hang out in air-conditioned spaces to cool off.
Carry and use a small fan to help cool you off.
Avoid overly hot baths, showers, and saunas. • Apply a cooling foot spray. • At the end of a shower, blast your legs with a jet of cold water to boost circulation.

Drink plenty of water.
When the temperatures start to get warmer, your intake of water should increase too. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day can help reduce the amount of salt in your body, a leading contributor to water retention and swelling.

Add diuretics to your diet.
Foods that act as diuretics can help get rid of excess water in your body. Try adding green leafy vegetables, like spinach and lettuce, green beans, pineapple, pumpkin, onion, lemons and beetroot all have this effect.

Reduce your salt content.
Another way to control your diet is to reduce your salt intake. Lots of salt in your diet can contribute to water retention so reducing your salt intake can help reduce the risk of heat edema. Cutting back on salty snacks, smoked meats, soups, high processed foods, and sauces can help.

Wrapping Up
Heat edema is no picnic for many sufferers. The good news is, knowing the symptoms and how to alleviate the leg and feet swelling can help you get back to enjoying the summer sun. By making the necessary changes and accommodations for your heat edema, you’ll be able to manage it in any season.

Lauren Groff is an experienced and talented writer at Assignment Help and Lauren is passionate about educating her readers on their rights and helps support them with finding representation when needed. When not writing, she enjoys reading and travelling. She is also an editor at Essay Writing Service.

]]> 2021-06-25T15:42:01-04:00 2024-04-16T23:22:37-04:00 A Stocking for Every Body Jamie Murphy When it comes to socks, most are one size fits all. However, when it comes to compression socks, stockings, and leggings, sizing is very important. Everyone’s body is different and that is what makes us unique! We have compiled a list of the best compression socks for a variety of characteristics including wide calf, large foot, and maternity. 


Compression Socks

When it comes to socks, most are one size fits all. However, when it comes to compression socks, stockings, and leggings, sizing is very important. Everyone's body is different and that is what makes us unique! If you are wearing a size that is too big for you, the sock will be too loose, could possibly fall down, and won’t provide accurate compression where it is needed. On the other hand, if the sock is too small, this could cause circulation loss. 

When trying to find out what size will fit you best, it is important that you get accurate measurements in the morning before swelling has the chance to occur. You can reference the size chart on the product page for exactly where to measure and correlate your measurements to the correct size. It is important to note that different brands have different sizing, so be sure to consult the size chart for each product. Once you have your measurements, use our Size Machine to see the garments that will fit you best.

There are many different sizing options including wide calf, large foot, plus size, and maternity. Now you may be asking, “How do I know if I need a wide calf size?” A calf circumference of greater than 16” is generally considered a wide calf.

We have compiled a list of the best compression socks for a variety of characteristics including wide calf, large foot, and maternity. Check them out below!

Compression Socks for Wide Calf
Allegro Surgical Knee High

These knee high stockings come in 12 different sizes and 2 color options. In addition, they are offered in both open toe and closed toe styles. Allegro Surgical Knee Highs assist in recovery after surgical procedures for men and women and are made in the USA. With the open toe option, these knee highs can be worn with sandals and other open toe shoes.

Compression options:
• 20-30 mmHg
• 30-40 mmHg

Reviewer: “Wonderful fit and easy to put on! I am now wearing these on a daily basis. I never thought that would happen!”

Compression socks for wide calf

Therafirm Core-Spun Support Socks

Designed for both men and women, these knee high socks look and feel like a soft, comfortable everyday sock, but with the added benefit of compression. Your tired, aching legs and feet will feel energized. You can choose from a variety of colors, patterns and sizes. 

Compression options:
• 10-15 mmHg
• 15-20 mmHg
• 20-30 mmHg
• 30-40 mmHg

Reviewer: “I love them because they fit a BIG calf. No one else has this.”

Compression Socks for Wide Calf

Compression Socks for Large Feet
Sigvaris Microfiber Men’s Knee High

These knee high socks are perfect for gentlemen and even the ladies who have a shoe size up to 17.5. With 4 color options and 11 sizes, there is a perfect fit for you. The sock is woven so 100% of the inside is microfiber. The more durable yarns are on the outside making the sock extremely soft and easy to put on. These socks have a reinforced heel and no noticeable toe seam.

Compression options:
• 15-20 mmHg
• 20-30 mmHg

Reviewer: “These stockings are SO comfortable. Although marketed for men, for a tall woman like myself with large feet, these are far more comfortable than the one-size-fits-all stockings that put a lot of pressure on the tops of my toes.” 

Sigvaris Midtown Microfiber Knee High

Allegro Essential Unisex Cotton Sock

The natural properties of cotton make this sock super comfortable, easy to get on and off, while providing graduated compression. With a tight rib design, the sock has the appearance of an everyday sock. A balloon toe provides extra wiggle room. This knee high is perfect for big and wide feet and even for wide calves. With 5 color choices and 6 size options, there is a fit for you.

Compression options:
• 15-20 mmHg
• 20-30 mmHg

Reviewer: “My legs do not hurt when I wear these cotton socks with 20-30 compression. They are easier to put on and take off. I walk 4 miles a day and I do not have cramps or anything. No pain in my legs.”

Compression Socks for Large Foot

Maternity Compression Stockings
Medi Comfort Maternity Pantyhose

This one is for our pregnant ladies. Wearing compression during pregnancy can be so beneficial to your comfort and health. With 2 color options 7 sizes, and 2 lengths -  there is a pair for you. The soft, breathable fabric makes them easy to put on and take off. You can wear these under just about anything including, dresses, sweatpants, skirts, and more.

Compression options:
• 15-20 mmHg
• 20-30 mmHg
• 30-40 mmHg

Reviewer: Definitely worth the investment! I work long hours and at the end of pregnancy these compression stockings give me the support I need. No more achy legs at the end of the day. It is great that they come in black so they can be used with professional clothing.

Maternity Compression Socks

Sigvaris Sheer Fashion Women's Maternity Pantyhose

Our mamas to be will love these pantyhose. You are able to get the support and health benefits you need from maternity compression without giving up fashion and style. With a comfortable waist band, reinforced heel, and double-covered yarns for durability, you will experience optimal comfort. There are 2 color options and 5 sizes for you to choose from. 

Compression options:
• 15-20 mmHg

Reviewer: "These feel so good, They are so comfortable and true to size. They don't wrinkle which is amazing and compared with other brands they are super soft."

Maternity Compression Stockings
highrewardtrade has a wide variety of styles and sizes for every body to enjoy. If you ever have any questions about sizing, how to use the Size Machine, fit, or anything at all, do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. We want you to find the perfect style and fit that you will be comfortable in.]]> 2021-05-06T14:00:00-04:00 2024-04-16T23:16:40-04:00 Best Compression Socks for Nurses Brita Ericson More

sockwell best socks for nurses

If anyone understands lower back pain, tired feet, and aching legs, it’s nurses, nurse practitioners and healthcare workers. This year we learned nurses make the world go 'round and they never sleep. That means they need to be on their A game all the time! That's a tough order, but somehow nurses do it. 

If you are a nurse or healthcare worker, you've experienced tired, aching legs at work. When this happens, it can make you feel even more tired, which is not a great feeling during a twelve hour shift.

That's where compression socks come in. Compression stockings and socks, as the name suggests, compress the legs to coax blood flow up the leg. It’s important to sit, stretch, and wear comfortable shoes, but adding compression stockings to your uniform might just be the icing on the cake to keep your legs ache-free. Socks that provide 15-20 mmHg compression are perfect for everyday wear to keep your legs fresh, healthy, and free of aches and swelling.

Check out some of Bright Life Direct’s best-reviewed compression socks for nurses and other health professionals who are on their feet all day:

Allegro Sheer Support Thigh Highs 

“I have been ordering these stockings for over 10 years now. They hold up great and provide great support. My legs do not feel tired after a 12 hour shift on my feet as a nurse. They are light weight and do not make me hot wearing them. Would highly recommend!” – Tecumseh, MI

Allegro Athletic Support Socks

“I received the socks yesterday in the mail and wore them to work for my evening shift in the operating room. They were awesome. My legs felt great–my feet weren’t hot and sweaty @ 2300 when my shift was done. There was lots of room in the socks for my toes and the socks did not slide down once. I would certainly buy more of the Allegro support sock. Thank you!” – London, Ontario

Sigvaris 142 Cushioned Cotton for Women 

“Very comfortable socks! My feet and legs feel great even at the end of a 16 hour shift. They wash nicely too. I probably wouldn’t wear them in the summer they are thick and might be too hot. As always brightlife direct has the best customer service and fastest free shipping!” – Bethel, CT

Medi Sheer & Soft Knee Highs

“Love these knee highs! Nice compression! They keep me going all day!” – Arlington, VA

Therafirm Core-Spun Support Socks

“Just received these for my husband and he loves them. He is in sales and on his feet all day and came home with legs a lot less fatigued.” – Worcester, MA

Jobst Relief Knee Highs

“I work 12 hour shifts and stay mostly on my feet. I purchased the Jobst Relief Knee Highs 20-30mmHg for 28.76 and I love them. My feet and ankles tend to swell after so many hours of running around on hard floors but these pressure stockings really help keep the swelling down. I was afraid they would need constant adjusting but they don’t. I’ll definitely buy more.” – Chicago, IL

Looking for color or patterns to give your scrubs a bit of pizzazz?

Sigvaris Women's Argyle Microfiber Socks 15-20 mmHg - Pink

One great, stylish option is the Sigvaris Microfiber Shades Collection. These soft, stretchy compression socks are a breeze to get on and off and keep your legs fresh and energized all day long. Socks come in argyle, stripes and mini-stripes in a variety of colors and compressions for men and women.


coral compression socks for nurses
Rejuva Motley Stripe Compression Socks 15-20 mmHg - Coral/Grey
Rejuva is all about fashionable compression that helps you look and feel good. These socks, for men and women, are perfect for travel, spider veins, pregnancy, or any job that keeps you on your feet for an extended period of time. They are made with a soft, stretchy material so you can easily put them on. If you want to level up your scrubs, you have to try Rejuva compression.



sockwell nurse compression cute pattern
Sockwell Women's Chevron Socks 15-20 mmHg - Navy

Check out Sockwell merino wool compression socks in a variety of stylish colors and patterns for men and women. These socks double as the perfect travel sock too! They are soft, thermoregulating, moisture-wicking and help to prevent blisters. These soft, breathable socks are sensitive-feet approved, featuring a lightly cushioned sole and seamless toe enclosure.


Next Step: Measure

Once you’ve decided which brand of nurse compression stockings sounds best for you, it’s time to take your measurements to determine what size you need. The best time to measure is in the morning when you first wake up, when your legs are completely relaxed and not so fatigued or swollen. Take a flexible tape measure, and determine the circumference of your ankle, calf, knee, and thigh. Then, measure the length from your foot to your knee, and your knee to your hip. Making sure your measurements add up will help you get that perfect fit. Once you have your measurements, you can use them to find the correct size on highrewardtrade’s Size Charts – located on each individual product page.

Find more measurement tips in our blog - How to Measure for Compression Socks and Stockings.

If you’re confused by sizing or overwhelmed by choices – you can always call us at (+48) 721914198 and one of our certified fitters will walk you through measurements and choosing the best product for you.

]]> 2021-04-27T11:35:49-04:00 2024-04-16T23:19:40-04:00 Meet the BrightLife Scholarship Recipient! Stephanie Sorentino For the sixth year in a row, highrewardtrade is giving back to the physical therapy community by providing a scholarship to help an aspiring physical therapist continue their education.



Congratulations to Megan H, winner of the 2021 highrewardtrade Physical Therapist Scholarship recipient

For the sixth year in a row, highrewardtrade is giving back to the physical therapy community by providing a scholarship to help an aspiring physical therapist continue their education.

The 2021 BrightLife Physical Therapist Scholarship was open to all students studying to be an occupational therapist, physical therapist or assistant. We received so many wonderful applications from students who are incredibly passionate about helping their community and returning their patients to a state of independence.

With so many amazing occupational and physical therapy students all working to improve the lives of others in their own way, it was challenging to choose a winner. The recipient of this year’s scholarship is one that is very deserving. It is our pleasure to congratulate Megan Hutchinson as this year’s Physical Therapist scholarship recipient.


Megan impressed us with not only with her success as a student but her volunteer work with FYZICAL Therapy and Balance, a physical therapy center where she had the privilege of volunteering with an underserved population. While there, she saw first hand the impact physical therapy can have on ones life. Her essay provided a myriad of examples showing these patients resiliency and how it inspires her. Her time at FYZICAL Therapy cultivated her passion for aiding others and for the field of neurological physical therapy. 

She has a goal to become a specialist in neurology and ultimately become an officer in the United States Public Health Service where she hopes to promote and integrate rehabilitation services in underserved and vulnerable populations. 

We cannot wait to see where Megan's career takes her.  


Read about the recipient of last year's scholarship, Anne H.:


nne is a student at Bradley University in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Anne was inspired to take a career path to help the geriatric population after working as a part-time dog walker for an elderly woman as well as volunteering at a local VA hospital and an older adult daycare center and most recently as a caretaker for a gentleman with dementia. 

"Each of these experiences have continued to fuel my passion for older adults and addressing their unique health needs since older adults tend to have more physical issues that impair their mobility. This can contribute to other physical problems, decreased function, depression and social isolation. I want to address these issues by being a provider who consistently focuses on the patient in front of me as a whole, not just as a person with a knee issue. This includes not only making my care personalized to the patient’s goals and needs, but also knowing when to refer to or work with other providers so the patient receives the best possible, team-based care. Going forward, I want to be a provider who communicates effectively, constantly seeks to learn, and treats everyone with respect and dignity. I want to foster a positive environment for my coworkers, caregivers and patients alike to give my patients the best care possible. ."  Anne Havenga (excerpt from essay)

She has also helped at a stroke camp put on by the United Stroke Alliance. Here, Anne assisted a stroke survivor and was reminded of how much joy can be found helping someone else be able to do more while practicing important PT skills. 

Additionally, Anne volunteers in a pro-bono physical therapy clinic and serves on the clinic board. The allowed her to develop her abilities as a PT while providing treatment to patients with neurological conditions who have exhausted their insurance. 

We cannot wait to see where Anne's career takes her.  

]]> 2021-04-26T16:30:00-04:00 2024-04-16T23:22:11-04:00 All About Sockwell Katie Bishop More


sockwell hiking sock

Have you heard of Sockwell socks? Sockwell is a compression brand designed for health and comfort with a flair for the fashionable. Compression socks apply graduated pressure to your legs to increase blood flow back to your heart. This can boost circulation, increase energy levels, prevent blood clots and reduce leg swelling. Compression also helps prevent varicose vein pain and can stop varicose and spider veins from forming. Sockwell socks are made in America from merino wool and bamboo fibers or "cashmerino". These materials are what make Sockwell so durable and soft, like a supportive cloud. The fibers provide natural thermoregulation and moisture management, making these socks perfect for all day, every day wear. They're also antibacterial, and blister-proof. Sockwell is more than supportive, they are also stylish with fun patterns in a variety of colors!

Crafted with your wellness in mind, Sockwell is all about Feeling Better in Style. Below are a few of our most popular styles from Sockwell:



elevation sock

The Elevation sock combines luxurious, high-performing fabric with 20-30 mmHg of firm compression to make the perfect pair. It's cushioned to support your arch and keep your foot comfortable and supported all day long. Available in men's and women's in a variety of muted colors.



pulse sockwell

Functional and fun, the Pulse sock is 20-30 mmHg of compression and is made (like all Sockwell socks) with natural fibers to regulate temperature and wick away moisture, making them great for every day wear. Men's and women's options are available in earthy colors.



Ascend sockwell socks compression soft

Available in 15-20 mmHg and knee-high or crew styles, Ascend is for the outdoor person. These socks are built with Alpaca fibers to improve softness and durability. They are thermoregulated and cushioned with super soft lambswool and an Alpaca blend so you can hike all day. Available in neutral colors.



sockwell twister

Can't choose between stripes or polka dots? Twister does it all. All about the cushion, this sock has an ultra light cushioned sole with a seamless toe closure so your toes won't get irritated. It is available in 20-30 mmHg. Color options are navy, black, hyacinth and jade. Also available in solid black if you aren't ready to commit to so much pattern.



damask sockwell

Looking for a feminine sock pattern in bright colors? Look no further, this cute Sockwell Women's Damask sock is the one. With 15-20 mmHg of therapeutic compression, these socks will minimize varicose veins, prevent ankle and leg swelling, and reduce fatigue. Available in a variety of beautiful colors.


Plantar Fasciitis Socks

plantar sleeve sock

Soft and stretchy, these plantar fasciitis socks soothe foot pain and discomfort by supporting your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Available in solid colors as well as patterns and three styles: crew length, quarter length and an open toe foot sleeve.


No Compression

big easy no compression

Sockwell has a series of socks with no compression. They are designed for people with diabetes or sensitive feet that need extra attention. If you have sensitive feet check out these soft socks that are created with a seamless toe, relaxed fit and non-binding rib top.


Shop Sockwell to elevate your health and wellness. 


]]> 2021-04-20T06:00:00-04:00 2024-04-16T23:18:58-04:00 The Best Socks & Stockings for a Wedding Katie Bishop More


Wedding Socks

People at weddings wear compression socks and stockings for a number of reasons. Some of us have to wear compression socks every day, no matter what the occasion. Others prefer to wear compression socks and stockings when they’re on their feet for long periods of time. From cocktail hour to the dance floor, there’s plenty of time spent on your feet at a wedding. Swollen ankles and feet with tired, heavy legs are a common side effect to so much fun. Keep those legs energized, fresh and healthy with our list of recommended socks for men and women at a wedding.

Brides and Bridesmaids

bride compression pantyhose bridesmaid

Most likely you’re looking for a sheer stocking and possibly an open toe so that you can wear the perfect peep toe shoes. We recommend going with the one of the sheerest products on the market so they don’t take away from your dress:

  • EverSheer by Sigvaris - This is available in 15-20 mmHg, 20-30 mmHg and 30-40 mmHg with open or closed toe. Added bonus – the thigh high has a pretty sexy top band.
  • Sheer & Soft by Medi - This product is available in 8-15 mmHg, 15-20 mmHg, 20-30 mmHg and 30-40 mmHg with open or closed toe.
  • Essential Sheer Open Toe by Allegro - Available in 8-15 mmHg, 15-20 mmHg and 20-30 mmHg, these are the softest and sheerest open toe option out there. Also available in closed toe.

Grooms, Groomsmen and Male Guests

groomsman compression socks

Men have it a bit easier since most weddings require trousers that cover up your socks. No need to sacrifice fashion for happy feet, though. Here are our favorite men’s socks for weddings:

  • Try Sockwell Socks for Men if you need a light compression to dance the night away. They’re available in Stripes and Geometric patterns. 
  • Therafirm CoreSpun Socks - These socks range in compression level from 10-15 mmHg, 15-20 mmHg, 20-30 mmHg and 30-40 mmHg. Plus, they’re available in white, khaki, navy and black to match your fancy, wedding pants.
  • Mediven For Men - Available in a classic ribbed pattern and a newer, sleek waffle knit in 15-20 mmHg, 20-30 mmHg and 30-40 mmHg.
  • Sigvaris Microfiber for Men - if you're looking for a handsome stripe to rock at the wedding, these are the socks for you. Available in 15-20 mmHg.

Female Guests

guests wedding socks happy

As a guest of the wedding, you have more liberty for flare in your sock and stocking choices. If you need a sheer stocking, check the options listed under Bride and Bridesmaids above. If you’re looking for something different (patterns, opaques and more!), check out the options below.

  • Sigvaris Allure -Available in thigh highs and pantyhose, these stockings have a stylish diamond knit in the semi-sheer fabric. Perfect to add pizzazz to a little black dress. Available in 15-20 mmHg and 20-30 mmHg.
  • Allegro Soft Microfiber - If you’re looking for a basic opaque stocking at a great price in multiple shades, check out the Allegro Soft Microfiber, also available in open toe!
  • Allegro Microfiber Thigh Highs get amazing reviews, they are super soft and easy to get on. Available in 15-20 mmHg and 20-30 mmHg.
  • Therafirm EASE Sheer Stockings in Patterns - available in 15-20 and 20-30 mmHg in an attractive diamond pattern.
  • Try Rejuva KneeHighs - available in decorative, unisex patterns like houndstooth and herringbone. Match your socks with your partner and you will be the cutest couple on the dance floor (just be sure to not outshine the bride and groom).
  • SoftFit Opaque Knee Highs by Jobst - These socks are soft and smooth and come in a variety of colors, like Cranberry, Pine Green and Navy. Also available in opaque and sheer, colorful pantyhose. 


]]> 2021-04-12T16:30:00-04:00 2024-05-16T20:25:01-04:00 4 Simple Sleep Habits Katie Bishop
Sleep Better

According to the CDC, adults need 7 or more hours of sleep a night. The consequences of sleep deprivation can make you cranky or tired and even hurt your health. Heart problems, cancer, weight gain and diabetes can be linked to chronic sleep deprivation. If one of your goals for 2021 is a healthier lifestyle, examining your sleep habits is a simple place to start.

Check out this sleep calculator to determine if you are getting enough rest.

1. Sun

sunny day

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to sleep disorders. Low levels of Vitamin D can make you so restless you can't fall asleep. Because your skin converts sun exposure to Vitamin D, the best way to get this vitamin is by spending time outdoors. Be cautious of too much sun exposure. You can wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face and head, while still soaking in the sunlight. Make a daily habit of fun in the sun to improve your sleep!

Read more about relaxing supplements, like Vitamin D, to help you sleep.

2. Sleepy Foods

summer tea

When you are really tired you might discover yourself snacking just to stay awake. These sleepy snacks can add a lot of calories to your diet, which leads to obesity and diabetes. Harness your snack attacks into intentional preparation for bedtime by eating foods high in melatonin. Try a melatonin rich snack before bed to improve your sleep health:

  • Chamomile tea (chamomile is high in melatonin, plus the warm water will heat you up and prepare your body for rest)
  • Cherries
  • Eggs
  • Almonds
  • Bananas (not a melatonin rich food, but they do contain the muscle-relaxer potassium, which can promote sleep)

Learn more about what to eat (or not eat) before bed.

3. Squeeze Meditation

Squeeze, or muscle relaxation, meditation is a simple and mindful way to prepare your body for rest. Before bed my seven year old and I practice squeeze meditation, starting at the toes and working our way to the nose. He yawns at the end. Every. Single. Time. That's how relaxing (and easy!) this type of meditation is. Essentially, you tense a group of muscles for 5 to 10 seconds, then focus on relaxing them for 30 seconds. Practice with the video below the next time you are struggling to fall asleep. If you struggle with heavy, achy legs that prevent you from falling asleep, compression socks can be worn during the day to help your legs feel better when it's time to sleep at night. However, you should not wear compression socks to sleep in (unless your doctor gave you specific directions otherwise).


4. Sleep Routine

Maintaining a sleep routine is a key ingredient for the perfect night of sleep. A sleep routine may look like: going to bed at the same time every night, turning all screens off 30 minutes before bed and surrounding yourself with low light levels during those 30 minutes. Habits, like the ones I just listed, can be difficult to maintain. If they are too difficult or boring, you will be less likely to implement them and you won't adopt them into your own routine. Here are a few habits you haven't heard before that are guaranteed to make your sleep routine more fun (and sleepy):

  • Add cool colors to your bedroom decoration
    • Blue, green and gray can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, making your body more sleep-ready.
  • Pillow spray
    • A soothing scent can help you drift into a peaceful sleep
  • Blow bubbles
    • Yes, you read that correctly. Blowing bubbles can put your mind into a meditative framework, which will help you fall asleep. Plus, who doesn't like to look at bubbles?
  • Buzz like a bee


Click here for additional habits to optimize your sleep routine. A good night of sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Comment below if you try one our sleep tips or you have one to share.


If you struggle to fall asleep, or stay asleep, you should consult your physician. The information and other content provided are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.


]]> 2021-03-16T10:00:07-04:00 2024-04-17T01:11:58-04:00 March Madness and Compression Katie Bishop Athletes, like the college basketball players competing in Indiana this year, wear compression during warm-ups and games. So, why are so many athletes wearing compression and if you aren't a pro athlete, how can compression benefit you?


Welcome back, March Madness. 


Whether you are a sports fanatic or not, you have probably noticed athletes wearing compression garments. Compression is commonly viewed as a medical device, something to be worn when your doctor recommends it. Like, after an injury or surgery. However, this is only partially accurate. Compression has been a key player in sports for a long time, beginning with Michael Jordan who wore compression shorts in the '90s. Athletes, like the college basketball players competing in Indiana this year, wear compression during warm-ups and games. So, why are so many athletes wearing compression?

march madness arm compression

 Today, athletes wear compression to increase performance, provide protection from injury and reduce soreness. One study measured arterial circulation in runners with and without compression. The research concluded that wearing compression during a workout dramatically improves circulation. This is beneficial because increased circulation provides protection from injury and reduces muscle fatigue and soreness.

wisconsin michigan ncaa versus compression arm


If you aren't a pro athlete, how can compression benefit you?

Compression can be worn while you work out. After a brutal workout, the squeezed muscles will heal faster because of the increased circulation. Moisture wicking calf and arm sleeves are also helpful in the gym or after an outdoor cardio session because they limit sweat and odor. Compression can leave you feeling comfortable, supported and dry. highrewardtrade has compression sleeves that are also antimicrobial. This protects your body from bacteria while eliminating odors. Reduced sweat (and smell) is a great bonus and your fellow gym members or walking buddies will thank you.

pink compression athletic

Compression socks can be worn to improve circulation when you aren't working out to keep you feeling energized. If your legs feel heavy at the end of the day consider wearing compression to alleviate the heaviness. You will also notice improved energy levels.

So there you have it; compression can improve performance, increase energy levels and wick away sweat. Which is helpful, even if you aren't playing in the Final Four.


]]> 2021-02-08T15:11:42-05:00 2024-05-09T00:22:36-04:00 Preventing Shin Splints with Compression Stockings Marketing Team More

 Guest Post by Dr. Brent Wells, D.C.

Maybe you just started a new fitness program. Or you started increasing distance on your runs. If you notice pain in your shins, you may have shin splints. This condition typically occurs after upping your physical activity and can be extremely painful. Today we’ll give an overview of shin splints and how you might prevent them by using compression stockings.

shin splint calf sleeve

What are shin splints?

Shin splints occur when the muscles and/or tendons around your shinbone become inflamed. Most commonly, inflammation starts on the inside edge of your shinbone. You’ll feel dull or sharp pain along your shinbone that is made worse by touching it or exercising. It may also swell up.

What causes shin splints?

Simply said, shin splints are caused by repetitive motion and weight bearing on your legs. For this reason, runners, soccer players and dancers are more affected by shin splints. Shin splints are commonly caused by increased intensity or frequency of exercise. However, there are other factors that may be influencing your shin splints, including:

  • Flat feet: Sometimes flat feet can put more pressure on your joints and tendons and wear them out more easily. If you have flat feet, you’ll want to get inserts or special shoes to minimize this effect.
  • Unsuitable or old sports shoes: Make sure your sports shoes support your feet and aren’t worn out. Old sports shoes, or those that aren’t unsuitable for your workout, can put unnatural and heavy pressure onto your legs.
  • Running on hard or uneven surfaces: You should always run on flat, supportive surfaces. Uneven or hard surfaces could increase tension in your muscles and tendons.
  • Being overweight: If you’re overweight, try to lose some pounds. Being overweight can put extra weight on your legs and cause unnecessary strain.
  • Not warming up or cooling down: Make sure your muscles are ready for a long or intense workout by warming up. Especially if you’re going on a run, you should stretch muscle groups in your legs so that they’re nice and fluid for your workout.
  • Weak ankles and/or tight calf muscles: Having a weak spot can place extra pressure on your shinbones. For example, weak ankles or tight calf muscles are both common issues that can transfer weight to other parts of your body. If you want to avoid this, work out your weak spots so that your body is better balanced.

What conditions can cause shin splints?

In some cases, shin splints can also be the result of an underlying condition. You’ll want to consult a doctor to make sure you don’t have:

  • Stress fracture: A stress fracture is a small crack in your shinbone. This is distinct from shin splints, which are simply inflammation around this area.
  • Tendinitis: Tendinitis happens when tendons become inflamed or torn. This causes especially painful shin splints if a tear is involved.
  • Peripheral arterial disease: This disease is characterized by reduced blood supply to the legs. It causes pain made worse by physical activity.
  • Chronic exertional compartment syndrome: This rare syndrome is caused by high levels of exercise and usually stops with rest. It causes pressure in your muscles, which feels like shin splints.

How are shin splints treated?

Luckily, shin splints may go away on their own. You can help the healing process by resting from physical activity. You’ll need to avoid intense exercise for a few weeks while your shins heal. If you want, you can still engage in low-impact exercise such as swimming, yoga and/or using the elliptical machine. Just be cautious about how much you push your body, especially your legs. You should also do daily stretching exercises to relieve pain in your shins. Focus on flexibility exercises, especially in your lower legs. In addition to rest, you can also try these treatments:

  • Ice: You can ice your shins for up to 20 minutes at a time. Never apply ice directly. Use a cloth to apply the ice.
  • Custom-made insoles, inserts or shoes: You can get custom insoles, inserts or shoes that will pad your footsteps and make it more comfortable to move while you recover. These are helpful if you’re active during the day.
  • Compression: Compression is also a great idea. You can use a compression stocking around your shin to keep the inflammation down. We’ll take a closer look at compression stockings below.
shin splint compression help pain

5 benefits of compression stockings

There are five main benefits of compression stockings. Compression stockings, also known as compression socks or sleeves, are a great way to prevent and treat shin splints. Let’s take a closer look at how.

  1. Maximize blood flow
blood flow shin splint compression

The idea behind a compression stocking is that it stays tighter at the foot/ankle and looser as it moves up the calf. This helps promote blood flow to your shins, since this type of compression assists the body in moving blood back up to the heart. Enhanced blood flow is key for healing, as it supplies nutrients to the area and keeps your muscles fueled.

  1. Relieve pain

Compression stockings also help relieve pain. Since they compress the injury site, this helps keep down inflammation. With increased blood flow, these stockings also help remove lactic acid, which stimulates muscle soreness. In this way, compression stockings can give you muscular pain relief.

  1. Boost performance

Compression stockings are also known to boost performance and reduce fatigue. Thanks to increased blood flow, they help your movements more efficient, making you less tired.

  1. Prevent swelling and stiffness

By compressing the affected area, compression stockings also reduce the possibility of swelling and stiffness. This is great, especially if you recently experienced shin splints and want to prevent swelling. The removal of lactic acid also helps your muscles stay fluid and hydrated.

  1. Speed up recovery time and reduce injury risk

Generally speaking, compression stockings also speed up recovery time. Given all the previous benefits, they ensure that your injury is healing as quickly as possible. In particular, increased blood flow helps the area to get the fuel it needs to recover.

Athletic compression stockings come into two different styles: compression socks and compression sleeves. Compression sleeves are great if you want to wear your own socks during movement. Compression socks, which cover your entire foot up to your calf, are good if you have weak ankles as well as shin splints.

Other prevention tips

Of course, compression stockings aren’t the only way to prevent shin splints. If you’re looking for other ways to prevent shin splints in the future, you can also try to:

  • Slowly build your fitness level: Don’t overdo it. If you do too much, too fast, your body will negatively react and be injury-prone. Build your fitness level over time.
  • Cross train: It’s important to build diverse muscle groups so that no one area of your body is taking on undue stress. Use cross-training to make sure you’re building strength in a balanced way.
  • Use good technique: Analyze the way you move and run. Sometimes your technique can cause certain areas of your leg to work too hard or remain tense. Ask an expert and use proper form whenever possible.

Final takeaway

If you’re struggling with shin splint pain, you may consider talking to an expert chiropractor. A chiropractor can help relieve pain and make any adjustments to encourage healing. In addition, a professional chiropractic clinic may have recommendations for exercise and diet, as well as massage therapy, to get your shins healthy again in no time!

About Dr. Brent Wells

Dr. Brent Wells Alaska Chiropractor Dr. Brent Wells founded Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab in Alaska in 1998. He became passionate about being in the chiropractic field after his own experiences with hurried, unprofessional healthcare providers. Dr. Wells desires to treat his patients with care and compassion while providing them with a better quality of life through his professional treatment.

]]> 2021-02-05T12:06:22-05:00 2024-04-16T23:18:56-04:00 4 Tips to Ease Seasonal Depression Katie Bishop Feeling the winter blues? Let's look at four, mood-boosting, winter happiness ideas...


lonely sad walker man snow winter

Feeling blue? This time of year Seasonal Depression (SAD) can feel like a massive weight hanging on you. The weather is cold, ugly and the sun goes to bed too early. Worse, sometimes, during those brief and precious hours of daylight, the sun is buried under heavy snow clouds. They call it SAD for a reason: it's freezing and the landscapes have shed their autumn colors for a dull, dismal gray. All of that gray can lead to you feeling very blue. This year may magnify symptoms of SAD while we are indoors more and limiting social engagements. So, let's look at some mood-boosting, winter happiness ideas. I've lived a large portion of my life in the frozen tundra's of the mid-west, I have a few tips up my sleeve:


light therapy lamp happy

1. Light therapy

If you can't find the sun this time of year, buy it! Studies suggest that sitting in front of a light therapy lamp may trick your brain into creating serotonin, the "happy" brain chemical. While it's no replacement for the real sun, it is a convenient way to add a little light to your life, without going into the cold. Here is a list of The Best Light Therapy Lamps of 2021


2. Citrus soak 

If you have diabetes or open sores skip this tip, some of these ingredients may act as irritants.

Turn your bath into a happy, citrus spa. You can add a little bit of zest to your soak using this: recipe. Epsom salt, baking soda and citrus essential oils are all you need to bring the tropics to you. Epsom salt may relieve arthritic pain as well as soothe other body aches or pains. Baking soda can soften your skin and give you that silky, clean feeling. The final ingredient, citrus essential oil, can elevate your mood and boost your energy. Citrus scents, such as lemon or orange, may even decrease stress

 colorful mug happy home

3. Add color to your home

By adding color to your daily scenery you can create joy. The most obvious way to add color to your life is to paint a wall, like the very popular accent wall trend. Warm colors, like red orange and yellow, can be energetic with optimism. Bright colors, like lilac and pink, can be uplifting. A few, smaller scale, easier ways to add color to your daily view are to:

  • paint your nails
  • wear a colorful robe
  • fill up a fruit bowl (lemons, grapefruits, pomegranates, oranges, any colorful food) and place it next to your favorite seat
  • use your brightest, most colorful mug for your morning brew
  • wear funky, colorful socks (compression socks can be colorful, too!)

 saturday night fever movie

4. Movie marathon

If you're still feeling under the weather it's time for a movie marathon. Get lost in a different world, maybe one where winter scenery doesn't exist? Brew some tea, cover up in an electric blanket and ignore the clock, it's movie time!

Summer movies

Favorites for older adults

Top Netflix movies right now


This article is not meant to replace medical advice. If you think you may suffer from Seasonal Depression or any mood disorder you should consult your doctor or mental health provider.


]]> 2021-01-20T16:29:47-05:00 2024-04-17T01:11:14-04:00 Looking back at the top selling compression of 2020 Katie Bishop

We have (finally) stepped into the New Year and waved goodbye to 2020. As delighted as we are to be moving forward, we wanted to pause and look back at our most popular products from 2020. In the spirit of reflection we have rounded up our customer's favorites and the reviews they wrote, so that their favorites can become yours. 

Below are highrewardtrade's best selling compression in 2020 chosen by people like you. Click the links to shop our best sellers:

Most Popular Knee High Compression Socks

1. Allegro Essential Sheer Support

"Very pleased with the quality of this product! The band on the stockings is great and holds them up extremely well." -Rosemary


2. Allegro Essential Unisex Cotton Sock

"Fits and feel great. Comfortable to wear all day." -Stan

allegro cotton unisex

3. Therafirm Corespun Support Sock

"I ordered the Therafirm Core-Spun Support Socks for my mom. She loves them. They are easy for her to put on and she likes the feel once on. I've ordered her a few more pair. Thank you for a wonderful product!" -Bonnie

therafirm corespun unisex

  Most Popular Thigh High Compression Socks

1. Allegro Essential Sheer Thigh High

"I have been wearing these for several years now and really like them. I wear these mainly when bicycling. I have never had a problem with them slipping down or needing adjustment even if I ride 60+ miles. They hold up for a very long time, though many washings. I would recommend to any woman or man who need support hose like me to give these a try." -Charles

sheer thigh high

2. Allegro Soft Microfiber Thigh High

"These are great I'm wearing right now. I work at a veterinary clinic so I'm constantly moving around or sitting down a lot too. They stay put, they're super soft which I love. Very comfortable. Legs have not hurt as much due to my varicose veins." -Cristina

microfiber thigh high


3. Medi Assure Thigh High

"I didn’t realize how bad I needed these new stockings. They are amazing for my lymphedema." -Cindy

medi thigh high 

Beyond the Beige- most popular compression with color

1. Sockwell New Leaf

"The socks are beautiful and very beneficial to my lower legs. I love them" -Manna

new leaf sockwell

2. Sockwell Elevation

"I have been wearing support stocking for over 50 years and these are the best ever. They offer perfect support, they don't slip down your leg, they have a luxurious feel and they don't look like support stockings. The best support stocking I have ever worn and will stick with them." -Lawrence

sockwell men


3.Juzo Soft Dream Gauntlet with Thumb Stub

"The color and the comfort are great. So glad I heard about these." -Susan


Most Popular Upper Extremity Compression

1. Juzo Soft 2001 Armsleeve

"This is the most comfortable sleeve I have tried. No pinching or binding at the elbow. I have had issues with other silicone bands causing blisters, but have no trouble with these. I also like the soft fabric" -Melissa


 2. Mediven Harmony Compression Armsleeve

"I have tried many compression sleeves in the last 9 years and this is by far the most comfortable on I have found." -Mildred

medi arm

3. Allegro Compression Armsleeve

"Excellent product." -Jay



If you have a question before ordering one of our best sellers we are here to help.


]]> 2021-01-18T17:11:03-05:00 2024-04-16T23:19:44-04:00 Compression Stockings For Large Legs Brita Ericson If you have large legs finding compression stockings that fit well can be a challenge. For people with wide calves, rolling and sliding is often a problem. There are solutions for both of these issues.



If you have large legs, finding compression stockings that fit can be a challenge. For people with wide calves, whether its chronic swelling or genetic, rolling and sliding socks is often a problem. There are solutions for both of these issues. To find the absolute BEST fit, you do need to measure your leg - so take a look at our measuring guide as you get started.

Large or Thick Legs

Most manufacturers make wide-calf styles designed for customers with wide or plus size legs.

Therafirm Core-Spun products are our top pick for larger legs! Let me tell you all the ways they're amazing - they're super soft, easy to get on and come in every compression level. They even have fashionable patterns! Core-Spun Knee High Socks are available for men and women. The largest size will accommodate a 17 inch ankle with up to a 25.5 inch calf. Core-Spun Thigh Highs are available in sizes up to XXXL. They will fit an ankle up to 19″ in circumference, and a thigh up to 39.5″. Core-Spun Thigh Highs are designed for men and women, come in three compression levels and two colors: black and white. Sizes XL-XXXL are offered in the 15-20 and 20-30 mmHg compressions only. You can see where you’d fit on the size chart below:

Therafirm CoreSpun Compression Thigh Highs for Plus Sizes

The largest knee high and thigh high available is in the Sigvaris Secure Line. The calf sizing goes up to 74 cm (slightly over 29″) and the max thigh is 102 cm (about 40″). The Secure products are made to manage strong edema – swelling that does not do well in thinner fabrics like sheer or microfiber. While the fabric is incredibly strong, it is still breathable and comfortable to wear. With its precise sizing, you are guaranteed to get a perfect fit in this product. Available in 20-30, 30-40 and 40-50 mmHg.

The Sigvaris Comfort PLUS is another great option – it’s softer and stretchier than the Secure line. It comes in 20-30 mmHg and 30-40 mmHg. The X-Large size in this product can fit a calf up to 28″ around and they come in short and long lengths.  

If you're looking for something that's more affordable in price, the Allegro Surgical Weight Knee Highs 20-30mmHg are available in Wide-Calf sizes that fit a calf circumference up to 26 inches and an ankle up to 14.5 inches. The Allegro Sheer Thigh Highs are sized up to XXX-Large to fit a 13.5 inch ankle and 32 inch thigh. A customer who purchased the Surgical Weight Knee highs said, “This product fit perfectly and I have really big calves… not too tight – comfortable. Wore them all day!” The Allegro products are a great, affordable option for most customers.

Mediven has the largest selection for wide calves. Extra-Wide Calf sizes are available in Medi PlusMedi Comfort,  Mediven for MenMedi Assure and Mediven Forte, 20-30 mmHg and higher. Medi Extra-Wide Calf varies by size, so be sure to check the size chart for the specific stocking you are interested in.

Juzo has begun carrying a line of Dynamic Max products designed for larger legs. Size V will fit an ankle up to 14 inches, a calf up to 26 inches and a thigh up to 37 inches. The Max line is available in 20-30 and 30-40 mmHg in knee highs and thigh highs.

wide plus size calf

Jobst Full-Calf sizes are designed to fit a calf circumference of 18-24 inches and an ankle up to 14 inches. These sizes are available in Jobst for Men CasualJobst ActiveWearJobst Relief, and Jobst UltraSheer in 15-20, 20-30, and 30-40 mmHg. Full-Calf sizes are available in Jobst Opaque 20-30 mmHg and higher.

Cone Shaped Legs

When I first heard this term, I thought, “Well, nearly everyone has a cone-shaped leg – the ankle is always smaller than the thigh.” But, that is not the shape we’re speaking of when it comes to socks and stockings. When you measure your legs, many people will find that their knee circumference is smaller than the widest point of the calf. In a cone-shaped leg, the measurements do not decrease at any point as you move up the leg – the calf and knee are about the same measurement.

If your leg is cone-shaped, compression knee highs have a tendency to roll or slide. A sticky, silicone top-band will typically solve this problem. Knee highs with silicone top-bands are available in 15-20, 20-30 and 30-40 mmHg.

Mediven Vitality offers all day comfort through an advanced design. Made with a lanolin blend, they control sweat while strengthening the integrity of the sock. They have also created a silicone top-band where they use sticky silicone fibers that are woven through the band. This creates a more gentle hold against the skin.

Looking for wide-calf sheers? Try the Allegro Essential Sheers. The collection includes quality fabrics as well as a wide, comfortable top-band. The balloon toe feature also promotes comfort while wearing.

If you still have difficulty keeping the silicone top band in place, using a light adhesive at the band is a great option. It Stays is a water-soluble skin glue that is hypo-allergenic and safe for all compression stockings. It’s available in a 2 oz roll-on bottle. A dab or two of It Stays will keep your knee highs and thigh highs up all day.

If you suffer from compression that falls down or is too tight, use the above links to find relief in compression that fits. Keep in mind each brand and style varies in size, so be sure to refer to the size chart on the product page, before purchasing. If you have a question about compression sizes, or anything compression related, comment below. 

]]> 2021-01-18T12:00:53-05:00 2024-04-16T23:24:14-04:00 Can you sleep in your compression socks or sleeves? Brita Ericson Some people swear by sleeping in compression socks, but is it safe to wear 24 hours a day? Here's what you need to know.


Woman putting compression socks on in the morning.

Can you sleep in your compression socks or sleeves?

The answer is - No, not if you are a generally healthy person. Do not wear your compression socks and sleeves to bed – the compression level is too high. I know I’ve heard runners and athletes swear by sleeping in their compression socks before and after a big race day, but really it’s not safe. Graduated compression is meant to be worn when you’re awake and moving around. It’s providing a constant amount of pressure to your circulatory system to fight gravity and pump that blood back to your heart.

venous flow laying down dont need compression

When you’re lying down, fully horizontal for a long period of time, your circulatory system doesn’t have to fight gravity. Venous blood can easily return to the heart. The compression garment applied to your ankle and calf during the night can cut your circulation off. Now, some people do need to wear compression socks at night because of health issues or post-surgery. Even in these instances, you should only be wearing the lowest compression available (below 15 mmhg). If you think you need to wear compression at night, ask your doctor.

While you don't (and should not) wear them at night, compression socks and compression sleeves are amazing tools for recovery after an intense run, cycle, yoga session, or whatever your favorite workout is. Compression keeps your blood pumping to recovering muscle groups and clears away the lactic acid that causes soreness. You don't need to wear them 24 hours a day, but wearing them during and after activity will increase energy and decrease recovery time. But, NOT all compression socks and sleeves are the same. Let me explain...

calf sleeve sleep recovery

First, let’s focus on compression sleeves. Compression leg sleeves or calf sleeves are similar to socks, but without the foot portion. They come in a variety of compression levels. Mild compression leg sleeves provide 15-20 mmHg compression and are great for wearing before you run, during your run and after. This mild compression level helps to speed up muscle recovery so your legs don't hurt after a long run or gym workout. Moderate level compression sleeves that provide 20-30 mmHg compression should only be worn DURING your work out to boost performance and protect against injury like shin splints. The stronger level of compression is amazing for enhancing your performance, but it can actually cause foot swelling if you continue to wear it after your work out. The extra tight compression at your ankle can become a tourniquet, blocking blood flow from your ankle to your foot. Bottom line: be careful to check your sleeve’s compression level before you use it for recovery. These Core-Sport sleeves are perfect for recovery.

compression sleep active

So, now you might ask – what about the moderate compression SOCKS you sell? Does compression level matter for those? Well, you CAN wear mild and moderate compression socks before, during and after your work out. Because socks have the foot portion attached, there’s no risk of foot swelling or cutting off circulation. Wear those bad boys all day long if you want.
